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Wander with Me: Start Where You Are

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

So many of my peers are always telling me how jealous they are of my exciting adventures and all the cool places I discover. But all of you pretty people can do it too! If I’ve managed to still make time even with a full-time school schedule, sports involvement, and two jobs, I’m telling you: its doable!

Here’s how to get started on your own adventurous lifestyle:

1. Start Where You Are

You don’t have to suddenly turn your life upside down and become an exploration addict. But I do think that getting out and away from your element is good for growth and happiness. You never know what you’ll end up finding out about yourself.

So just start out by going somewhere you’ve neer been before one Saturday morning when you have a few hours of free time. See my previous posts for inspiration, or just drive until you see a pretty little stop and give yourself some time to enjoy it – to really enjoy it. I promise that you’ll have a definite appreciation for the time well spent in a new and inspiring spot, instead of just in your dorm.

2. Spark Up a New Friendship

Sometimes I really want to check out a certain spot, but I find myself not going simply because my friends aren’t interested. Lately, I’ve been finding that making new friends with people who have similar interests is really refreshing!

In no way does this mean to ditch your long-time best friend who doesn’t like to hike. It just means that you can have some company as you experience these new places, which will really create a special bond between you and your new adventure pal.

3. Wander on Your Own

I can’t stress enough how great it feels to accomplish something new completely on your own! It’s always nice having your supportive friends and family with you along the way of your constant achievements, but doing something on your own is just as rewarding.

Stop using the excuse that “all of my friends are busy”; get out and explore on your own! Use this valuable alone time to reflect on everything you have in your busy, college-stained mind and relax for a while. (Check out Natalie’s article on why time by yourself is so important. I could not agree with her more!)

4. Let YOU enjoy YOU

In this day and age, everyone is basically competing for the best social media pages. But don’t let this impact your own adventures and what you really love to do! Instead, find somewhere that you are personally drawn to, find your connection, and invest yourself in it. Let yourself fall in love with these new places and all they have to give and don’t even think about if your picture of the prettiest leaf in the tree is good enough for Instagram. Don’t worry about what that one cool girl who follows you will think of your new favorite lookout spot, because whatever you find naturally beautiful is most important and you should always let it flow into you.

Don’t ever try to convince yourself that what you feel isn’t important. Just go and enjoy the things you love to do, and don’t feel bad about it!

Don’t forget to tell me about any new adventure spots!

xx Teigs

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