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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

For some people, starting the new semester can feel as easy as one day rolling into the next, having everything laid out. However, for others starting a new semester can feel overwhelming and daunting. Unfortunately, I fall into the second category, as sometimes my brain can feel a bit ‘helter-skelter’ when preparing to go back to school. So, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite ways to get organized for going back to school, with some options being online tips as well as physical preparation tips.

Laying out your outfits the night before the first day of school

Starting off with a simple one- sometimes the anticipation of the first day back can feel like it’s too much to handle, so one way I like to manage the stress is to lay out what I’d like to wear the night before. This can help calm some nerves in the morning, as it’s one less thing to think about on your busy day back. Sometimes I’ll take a step further as well and make sure I have my lunch ready so I can get out the door quicker.

Staying organized with a planner (digital or physical)

This one single handedly changed my college habits, as before I would simply try to remember it all in my head, which went about as you would expect it to. I would always forget one assignment one way or another, but writing it down in an agenda or planner really helped me keep track of deadlines. I started off using a physical planner, and being able to cross off each assignment once I was done with it was super satisfying.

Now as much as I liked having a physical planner, COVID forced everyone to move online, and I also wanted to adapt my backpack to be mostly virtual. In my search for some sort of virtual organization, I found Notion, which is a workspace where you can take notes, and organize them into different pages. Though it was a bit rocky to figure out how to use it, I really enjoyed getting to make my own page for an agenda, and if you feel overwhelmed at first joining, there are thousands of templates made by Notion pros to help onboard your organization. I would really recommend trying Notion out, as it’s free to join and it’s a lot of fun to make (and search for) your own templates.

“…being able to cross off each assignment once I was done with it was super satisfying.”

Making sure to stay hydrated and pack some snacks

I’m sure every student has had that moment when you’re walking between classes and you’re super hungry but only have ten minutes to walk to your next class. I would really recommend keeping some light snacks in your backpack or bag, whether it’s maybe a handful of almonds or maybe a granola bar or two. Additionally, make sure to stay hydrated with a water bottle throughout the day- sometimes even just a bit of water can be refreshing when you make it to class. I know it may seem like a ridiculous tip, but water and food go a long way, and you can even help a friend out if they’re hungry too, so it’s a useful tip.

Prioritizing sleep and making a consistent schedule

This one is a bit harder to implement at first in the semester, especially if you like to sleep in and get up at your own pace. For me, having a consistent sleep schedule also helps me with completing homework assignments, as I can plan to work on homework until around 11pm, which is when I typically wind down for the night. Now I won’t give suggestions as to what times you should set for your sleep schedule, but I always try to aim for getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night, and even better if I can fit in more. Sleep is such a critical part of our health, which in turn affects how we are in classes as well. 

Though I listed some of my favorite tips for getting into a new semester, you can always try new things to add to your Back to School routine. I recommend finding what works best for you, and hopefully these can lessen some anxiety about returning back to campus. 

Alex Warrender

Cal Lutheran '23

Hello, my name is Alex, and I'm the Senior Writing and Editing Director for the Cal Lutheran University chapter. I’m a senior Psychology Major who loves to devour books and write poetry in my spare time. I also love to play D&D and go thrifting when I can.