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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

If you’re anything like me, you choose to watch a new show on Netflix at the worst time of the year. By the worst time of the year I mean, FINALS. I try to tell myself it’s okay to watch 4 episodes straight that are each 43 minutes long and use it as a “study break.” Here are the stages of the beginning, middle, and end of being a binge watcher.


The start:

Browsing the Feeds

Choosing a Show


Watching that Show for Hours

Continuing that show until you make it to the SHOWHOLE.

But it’s fine, because the thing about being a binge watcher is that we always find a new show.




thumbnail picture: http://www.thetvaddict.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/netflix.jpg

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Andrea Whisler

Cal Lutheran

I am currently a Senior at California Lutheran University and my major is Business Administration with an emphasis in Management and my minor is Communications. I have a passion for all writing, sports, puppies, and food.
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