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Living Away From Parents is Not as Easy as I Thought it Would Be

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Dreaming of leaving

Most people dream of leaving off to college and being away from home; I know that was one of the things I was looking forward to during college. I looked forward to not having curfew, or having anyone tell me what I should/should not be doing. I also looked forward to living in a completely new area. Somewhere brand new, where I could start all over and rebuild myself. But little did I know, it was harder than I anticipated.

First Months in College

I did not go far for college. I am only about an hour and a half away from home, but for the first two months it sure felt like I was 1,000 miles away. The first couple of weeks it did not feel so bad. Partly because I was getting adjusted to everything and I was busy most days. However, after a couple weeks it began to settle in that I was away from home. I began to miss my family, my dogs and just the comfort of my own home. Getting homesick was the last thing I expected to happen to me. I was so excited to go somewhere new that it never occurred to me that the change would cause me to miss home. For the first month I could not go back home to visit my family. I had classes and I had just gotten a new job that required me to work weekends and as my desire to go home grew, my doubt about college also began to develop.


Going home

Going home can be emotionally soothing. To be able to see people that you would have constantly see on a regular basis at times can excite the individual, to see friends and family and to be able to reach out and grasp and hug them is comforting. when your home you are able to be with your pets that you had to leave behind and have someone get excited to see you. Not to mention you would also be able to sleep and rest in your own space on your own bed which is a privilege on its own. Going home gives people something to fall back on a place of comfort where that person has been a version of themselves for so long that leaving seems too abrupt and in some aspects lonely. Going home has its perks and with moderation can be a great way to boost your self to feeling like a better you. 

Image from Pexels 

lesson learned

More often than not I try to stay independent from my family and because of that I only go home once a month, with that being said I think it can be a great relief or a horrible nightmare. The reason why is because there have been times that it feels so good to be home that I debate if I want to go back to school, yet there have been times where it does stress me out more than necessary as old habits reoccur and I have to do chores and other responsibilities that pile up and at times. It goes to show that the good outweighs the bad as I continue to go every once in a while and the feeling and emotions get satisfied with the time I spend back at home.



Jasmin Estrada

Cal Lutheran '23

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