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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

This past Friday, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of The United States.

Now, for some people, this was a great day. For others… not so much. The morning of the inauguration, I laid on my bed listening to the rain and watched uplifting videos of Obama, all the while getting overwhelmingly emotional about what was about to happen. I thought maybe I’d feel better if I left my dorm and saw some of my friends in class or in Starbucks, but upon arriving in the center of campus, I felt this intense sadness looming, and while it wasn’t everywhere on campus, it was a vibe that was definitely felt and impossible to ignore.

A few of my classmates spoke up about the new transition of power while we took notes on a piece of paper. As I listened to the words of my classmates, I decided to share my own thoughts in hopes that maybe those of us who feel hesitant, upset, or let down by this new administration can find some comfort within the chaos:

I won’t lie. I am genuinely scared for the next four years of my life with Donald Trump as president. I am afraid that my insurance will be taken away and I am afraid of how my disability will affect me, whether negatively or positively, in the next four years. From the time he was officially elected, I felt this immense weight on my shoulders. I felt like there was this ever-present rain cloud above me and I felt as though what I was feeling was just my own naïvety, but as I looked around at my peers on campus and in my classes, I saw this beautiful sense of unity amongst us and I realized I wasn’t alone.

Whether we were happy about the new administration or not, we had each other, and for me, that was extremely comforting. So if you’re feeling melancholy, stressed, or upset about this, please know that you are not alone. Open up to your friends, talk, UNITE. Get involved in the fight for issues that mean the most to you. I understand that some of you may feel discouraged, and trust me, I know, but now is not the time to give up or give in. Now is the time to have hope, because when you have hope, you have strength.

Editor’s Note: This article is the perspective and opinion of the author and does not reflect the views of Her Campus at Cal Lutheran or Her Campus Media. Thank you!

22-year-old college girl, motivational speaker, and coffee aficionado. I'm an English major with a sassy flare who adores life. Oh, and my wheelchair's name is Stella.
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