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International Women’s Day at Cal Lutheran 2019

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

For the past three years, Her Campus at Cal Lutheran has put on a big celebration in the beginning of March- International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day first started in 1911 and was supposed by over a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. The main focus for this year is gender equality. On the Cal Lutheran campus, we’re aiming to have several clubs and organizations come and talk to students about women and provide resources and activities to continue educating outside the classroom. Here are some of the activities you’ll see this Friday, March 8 on the Spine from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.


                 Our current president Francheska Cal from International Women’s Day 2018

Like they have for the past IWD celebrations, iCLU Radio will be providing the music for that day and will also be handing out candy.

Together WE DREAM will provide supplies for students to write about women who have been their role model, they’ll hang these up on a board to display to other students.

Center for Cultural Engagement and Inclusion (CCEI) will have cards for students to write to influential women in their lives.

LASO will have a game available for you to match a picture of a famous Latina with her description. You probably already know some of the famous Latinas today! Ellen Ochoa was the first Hispanic woman to go into space on April 8, 1993. She was aboard the Discovery shuttle for nine days and conducted research on the Earth’s ozone layer. She was also the first Hispanic director and second female directory of the Johnson Space in Houston, Texas. Joan Baez is well-known for ”her human rights advocacy, her breathtaking voice, and for her continual fight for the marginalized and oppressed”. Dolores Huerta created the United Farm Workers in 1965 which is an organization that worked to improve working conditions for farm workers. Selena Quintanilla brought Mexican Tejano music to the world, she’s one of the most influential Latin artists. Her career was unfortunately cut short when she was shot by the president of her fan club. She won a Grammy in 1993 and a gold record in 1994. Gina Rodriguez is a familiar name for most of us- she’s the main star in the CW show ‘Jane the Virgin’ and she’s going to be in the new movie ‘Miss Bala’ and she even won a Golden Globe for her performance in ‘Jane the Virgin.’  

Wellness Resources will be providing a “what birth control is right for you” activity! There are about 18 methods of birth control. The birth control implant is 99% effective and can last up to 5 years, it’s also known as Nexplanon. The implant releases hormones in your body that prevent pregnancy. IUDs are also 99% effective and they can last from 3 to 12 years. IUD stands for Intrauterine Device, there are 5 different brands of IUDs. The birth control shot is 94% effective and you have to get it every 3 months.

PHIRA will be focusing on how the workplace has changed for women over the years. Students will be able to pick a question to receive a prize!

AMA will have a whiteboard for students to write the name of a strong woman they look up to in their life and/or what qualities they admire about them.

CAPS will have a “gratitude and affirmations” table with cards and decorations available for people to stop and take some time to create a note for a woman/the women they love and admire.

                                                                   More activities from last year!

Center for Global Engagement and Campus Diversity Initiative will have a Spin the Wheel game which will land on a famous women.  If you know them, you get a prize and if you don’t they’ll provide information about that woman.  Either way you will get a prize from the Campus Diversity Initiative!

Career Services will have a poster board for you to write about what has empowered you. They will also be providing donuts and resources for finding internships for different careers and salary negotiation tips.

It’s On Us will have different statistics and facts on sexual assault pertaining to women. They aim to emphasize the power and strength of sexual assault survivors. They will also be handing out snacks to students who participate at their table. 

My Gen My Fight will focus on human trafficking and educate students through a Jeopardy or Trivia game.

AIGA CLU will help you make your own sticker with sticker templates that are based on International Women’s Day.

Happiness Club will be giving out cookies and goodie bags with empowering messages.

In an effort to bring more awareness and inclusion for trans women, PRIDE will be doing trivia about famous trans women and their contributions to society.                                                                HCCLU and their bra pong activity from last year

Kyla Buenaventura

Cal Lutheran '19

Kyla Buenaventura was the Writing Director and Senior Editor for Her Campus at Cal Lutheran from 2017-2019. She double majored in Economics and Political Science with an emphasis in Law and Public Policy. When she was still at Cal Lutheran, she loved writing and inspiring her Writing Team to express their love and passion for topics through their own unique writing styles. 
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