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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

On Tuesday, September 5th, Cal Lutheran hosted their semi-annual Involvement Fair. This is where a plethora clubs on campus come together to get new members to join. Hundreds of people walked through the rows of tables to come across a club that interested them. Needless to say, this semester’s Involvement Fair was a success.

Cal Lutheran offers diverse clubs that allow students to explore interests outside of courses, from sports clubs like Dance Team to academic clubs like the business fraternity Delta Sigma Pi to religious groups like Young Life. If you have an interest in something, then chances are there is a club for you. If not, then just make your own! Check out the Cal Lutheran Clubs page to get more details about different clubs to join.

Some of you might be thinking about the benefits of joining a club on campus. Maybe you think that joining clubs in college doesn’t seem the same as it did in high school. In case you are on the edge about taking the plunge to join a club, below are some reasons that a club would be beneficial to you.

  1. It is a successful and easy way to make a lot of friends. In college, making friends that aren’t in your major can be difficult. Clubs are a good way to meet people that you wouldn’t have normally met. Plus, you are going to make all these friends pretty fast.
  2. It’s a great way to de-stress. Many college students are overwhelmed with their academic responsibilities, and clubs are a great way to take a break from stressing out over the next big test that is inevitably in your future.
  3. You can learn more about yourself. Clubs let you explore subjects and experiences that you might not have otherwise been involved in. They can teach you about likes and dislikes that you might not have ever found out about without the opportunity to experience them. Once you graduate college, it will be a lot more complicated to encounter and indulge in new subjects that interest you, so you might as well look into those while you can.
  4. Clubs are resume boosters. If you are looking for a fairly simple way to add content onto your resume, then clubs are the way to do it. Being a board or executive member of a club can look good for future jobs and internships. It demonstrates leadership abilities and management.

If you decided to join a club this semester, then congratulations! I hope that you enjoy everything that your new club has to offer. If you feel that joining a club right now doesn’t feel like it will work for you and/or I haven’t convinced you well enough to join the club you were thinking about, don’t worry! There will be another Involvement Fair in the spring semester. See you there!

All photos courtesy of author

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Simone Goerlich

Cal Lutheran

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