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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

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New Year’s Day has passed, and we’re well on our way to March already!

For some of us, our resolutions are slacking. We’re already tired and overwhelmed with school, and some of the problems from 2015 are resurfacing into the new 2016.

Before we get disillusioned, however, we should take ourselves out of the mindset that fresh starts only begin with special events like New Year’s, and instead, we should allow ourselves to grow without restrictions.

It’s liberating to let yourself have a fresh start every day rather than counting down the days until the next New Year, Lent, our birthday, or any other special event– because life should be about being in the present and not using the present to worry about the future or past.

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While it’s easier to get caught up in the problems and stresses we have, there have always been two ideals I live by that keep me going. They are:

1) There is no permanence to anything in life.

Problems fade away or get resolved, plans will change, people will lose their feelings for you, and what once was will not be. And the same can be said in reverse: problems arise, plans will be made, people will fall for you, and what never existed will come to play a large role in your life. 

2) Happiness is not a constant state of living.

You won’t always be happy, and that’s okay. You’re human: you’re supposed to feel a range of emotions; some you won’t even be able to categorize. It’s normal and healthy to feel cheerful, sad, confused, content, angry, excited, jealous, blissful, and everything in between.

You’re alive and breathing, and you’re going to feel a lot.

And while the happiness-inducing emotions are most desirable, don’t think that happiness is a default state of existing. Pain and ugly feelings help you to grow just as much, if not more.

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Life is not predictable or easy by any means, but you are given the privilege to make it any way you want to, any time you want to.

And even when you’re discontent with it or worn out, you always have the knowledge that whatever you’re experiencing at the moment will eventually pass and lead to your own personal growth.

Remember that you’re human and you will be tested by the world around you, but it should never bring you down.

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Lara Santos

Cal Lutheran

Lara is a Communications (Journalism emphasis) major and Political Science minor. When she's not studying, she's easily found writing, spending time with friends, watching and analyzing films, going for hikes, or petting dogs. Her favorite genres of music are hip hop, indie folk, rap, vocal jazz, and pop. Lara aspires to become a journalist, and to get an apartment to share with her future corgi and golden retriever.
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