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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

One of the challenges that many college students face is going to your first huge job or internship interview. It is of the most importance to be exceptionally prepared for a professional job interview, as it truly determines whether or not you are considered a qualified candidate for a position wherever you aspire to work.

Just like anything you want to master in life, preparing for interviews takes practice and effort. There are some people who just know exactly what to wear, do, and say in order to get what they want, but it can be undoubtedly intimidating if it’s your first time attending a really important interview.So, if you’re feeling nervous and completely blanking on how to prepare for that mega important interview, worry not!

Here are eight tips to get you ready and feeling your most confident:



Research! Research! Research!

Now that you’ve submitted your resume and gotten the interview appointment, you need to do some web research and find out as much as you can about your potential employer. What is the company all about? Find out the important details of the company, like what their mission statement is, who their clients are, how big the company is, and if there has been any relevant recent news about them. Who is interviewing you? You are more likely to walk into an interview with more confidence if you know who you are going to be talking to and what their place in the business is, as well.

Focus on your strengths

For some it is easy to brag about themselves, while others don’t even know where to start. During an interview you will be asked typical questions like “What are some of your biggest accomplishments in past positions?” and “How do these accomplishments relate to your ability to work for [the employer]?”.

It is important to remember that this is a chance to talk yourself up. A way to prepare for this is by planning ahead and working on memorizing your biggest accomplishments and how they demonstrate your strengths. Think about times when you were really proud of your work, whether it was in another job, in school, or while volunteering. It is also important to use words that will emphasize your abilities to both work independently and as a part of a team. 

Mental preparation is important

Similar to when you’re about to perform for a sport or an audition, it is essential that one prepares mentally for an interview. Think of potential interview questions and have an answer for them, think of questions you have for them relating to the job you will be taking on, do your homework before the interview so you feel ready, and remember, above all, to relax. If you know you are one of those people who cannot hide your nervousness, be sure to try exercises like taking deep breaths and using positive language in order to get yourself to a place where you’re not as shaken and you feel more confident.



Get directions and have an emergency contact at the office

It is important to know where you’re going and the best route to get to your destination at least a day before your interview. If you wait until you get in your car to start figuring out where you’re going, you’ll only add to the stress you may already be under. Have a phone number you can call just in case you’re running late or find yourself stuck in traffic, but ALWAYS plan on leaving early. Being on time for an interview is just as important as the interview itself, it doesn’t help you at all if you’re running through the door anxious and stressed.



Prepare your outfit and everything you’ll need the night before

For interviews it is better to be overdressed than underdressed. If you have an idea of the type of work environment that you’re going into, then you should adhere to the dress code of that environment, and if you have no idea, then use your best judgement. Think of it this way; if you have to question whether something is appropriate for the interview or not, chances are that it isn’t and you should stick with the “safer” option.  Lay out your outfit and have another option ironed and ready to go just in case you can’t make up your mind. Remember to have any other materials you’ll need packed up and ready to go as well.

Go to bed early!

Staying up late wracking your brain for every answer you can think of or stressing over the fate of your future will not help you during the interview. Try to get to bed early, you don’t want to be yawning through your interview and you don’t want to look like you’ve been up all night. Getting enough sleep is essential so you can be well rested and get an early start the next day.



Eat a light breakfast

Aim to eat a light breakfast rather than a heavy one, especially if you’re nervous. Sometimes you can underestimate your nerves and eat too much, causing yourself to feel sick or just uncomfortably full.

Focus on the positive and be honest

It is important to remember to think positivly during an interview in order to present the best version of yourself. That being said, it is also important to be honest and not overdo it. Telling a potential employer you know three languages when you only know a few sentences of broken Spanish and Italian on top of your perfect English isn’t going to help you in the long run.

Going through the process of finding a job or internship that is the best fit for you can be quite a challenge, but with the right amount of preparation it can be a little less grueling and a lot more exciting! Remember that you’ve been working hard in school and extracurricular activities to prepare you for this. Focus on presenting the best version of yourself and you’ll do great!

Karie is currently a Senior at California Lutheran University. She is a Marketing Communications and TV/ Film Production major.When she's not busy working on content for Her Campus, Karie enjoys going to Disneyland, especially on Dapper Day, watching Sofia Coppola movies, and reading long novels at the beach.
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