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Did You Break Your New Year’s Resolution?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

A long, long time ago (not really, like 3-ish months ago) you probably made a New Year’s Resolution or two. Something like:

Eat better, treat yo’self more, yada yada yada.

Not to be super interrogative or anything, but did you actually keep it? Or did you break your resolution two days in like the rest of us? There are certain circumstances that may get in the way of you reaching your goal (no time, no motivation, etc.) But either way, there’s something to be said about New Year’s Resolutions and if they are actually worth making each time the Earth makes a trip around the sun, or if we should be making them more frequently throughout the year.

If we did, then would we be able to stick to them?

On average, almost half of the American population makes at least one New Year’s Resolution each time January 1st rolls around, but only 8% are successful in achieving that goal in their personally-set time frame. Why is it that such good intentions turn sour within the first month of resolving to make the change? It’s silly to think that we can promise to do something different one time each year and expect everything to be smooth sailing. Sorry to burst your bubble, but whether you want to admit it or not…

Life gets in the way. Like, all the time.

Circumstances change, life takes a different direction than what you had planned, and you just have to go with it sometimes. That’s why it can be hard to stick to a resolution you made back in January if it’s six months later and you’ve made no progress because life threw you for a loop. It’s common knowledge that long term goals are difficult, so why not make a bunch of little, short-term ones?

I’m talking a new resolution each day. We should be waking up every day resolving to be a “better person” than the one we were the day before. Whatever meaning you want to give that ridiculously cliché moniker we all aspire to be, make sure that it is reasonable enough to keep and achieve every day. Whether that’s meeting someone new each day, or simply cleaning your space, you are guaranteed to achieve those goals more often if you feel like you can tackle them head on, right now. It can be discouraging to think of how long you have to go until you reach the light at the end of the resolution tunnel, and who wants to feel discouraged? I think I can say no one in the history of the world, ever. So let’s work together and make little changes each day so we can live life to the fullest and enjoy it a bit.

After all, it’s the little things that make life big.

(another really cliché saying, imsorry.)

o s

Bowdoin '17

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