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Casey Neistat’s Insane Work Ethic!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay.com

Who is Casey Neistat?  If you watch any videos on Youtube, you’ll most likely see him on the trending page or his name referenced in another video. There has been much controversy surrounding Casey Neistat’s work ethic, and if you watch at least one of his videos you’ll understand why. Casey moved to NYC to follow his dreams of being a film-maker, a dream that many others would strive to do as well. He started with nothing, but through long hours and hard work, Casey has built a company, had a show on HBO, has a contract with CNN, and now stars in one of the most subscribed to and viewed YouTube channels. 

Casey credits his achievements to his “insane” work ethic where he has little free time because to him “time is the most valuable possesion we are given,” and we shouldn’t be spending it “bored” or not taking steps toward accomplishing something. Casey describes how he spends his time in a video titled “Fat and Lazy”. The video went viral, people amazed with what Casey’s rigorous schedule included: little sleep and all work. He breaks down his day and what it consists of which is three hours of exercise, fourteen hours of constant work on various projects, three hours dedicated to family and only four hours of sleep. 

However, Casey doesn’t see his schedule as unreasonable; all the time he spends is working toward a larger goal. Casey’s major rise to success and insane work ethic has sparked the interest of many people, allowing him to give major speeches at universities and even Ted Talks. What makes Casey’s work ethic so controversial? People were shocked that a person was able to dedicate their days to non-stop work with little down time and hardly any sleep. People were also concerned at the health risks that may occur from everyday people applying his work ethic. However, when looking at the big picture, you are able to see that perhaps Casey’s work ethic may not be realistic for everyone but what we can take from this video is that people spend a lot of their time “bored” when they could be using that time to reach their ultimate goals and eventually accomplish something greater. If everyone used there time to their full advantage, is there anything you couldn’t accomplish?Photo Courtesy of Pixabay.com

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