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Susan Yin/Unsplash

Cal Lu De-Stress Before the Test

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Hey colliegettes! With finals just around the corner, it’s time to figure out how to de-stress before the test. Lucky for us, the library on campus has multiple events to help us! With a Harry Potter theme this year it’s bound to hit you right in the childhood. 

These are just some of the events that the Pearson Library will be having so check out the Hub for more events.

There are many other ways to relieve stress such as:

-Going to bed earlier


-Going on hikes

-Drinking tea


Cal Lutheran also offers free Yoga classes located upstairs in the Forrest Fitness Center every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:15-6:15 p.m.

So don’t stress, collegiettes: there are many ways to counteract the overwhelming feeling of finals.

Photo sources: callutheran.edu/thehub

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Andrea Whisler

Cal Lutheran

I am currently a Senior at California Lutheran University and my major is Business Administration with an emphasis in Management and my minor is Communications. I have a passion for all writing, sports, puppies, and food.
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