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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Being at the halfway point in my college career, reflecting on my first year on a college campus has become a regular thing. Thinking back to the first day of classes, learning how to navigate through a campus, it all seems like a blur. I would never trade my first year at CLU for anything, despite the unknowns and the hardships. It would be nice to be able to go back and grab my freshman self by the shoulders and give myself advice for the things I know now. Here are the top 5 things I wish I knew my freshman year of college!


  1. Ask for help: I have always struggled with reaching out for help. I felt that it showed weakness and vulnerability but I’ve come to learn that it shows maturity when you can recognize that you need help or an extra push.

  2. Don’t be afraid to do things alone: I missed out on so many events solely because I didn’t have anyone to go with. Going to things alone allows you to build confidence and meet new people all while taking advantage of what your campus has to offer.

  3. Put in the effort to make connections: It can be hard to make friends in college but putting yourself out there is always a good idea. You never know what new connections may bring into your life. New experiences and memories are never made from keeping to yourself.

  4. Find a balance that works for you: No one knows what your day to day looks like except for you so try and prioritize based on your needs, not the needs of others or what everyone else is doing.

  5. Taking a break does not mean you are quitting: It is healthy to take a step back and take time for yourself. I always felt like a quitter for taking breaks or putting things on hold but in reality it just means that when you pick back up you have a better mindset and greater motivation.


They weren’t lying when they said that time flies by. With only three semesters left ahead of me, I am so grateful for the things I’ve learned along the way and the experiences I’ve had. Reflecting on the past two years allows me to be so appreciative of the education I know I am privileged to have. Two down, two more to go!


Hi my name is Laura Reyes! I'm majoring in Criminal Justice and Psychology at Cal Lutheran.
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