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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

As a second semester senior in college, I can’t deny that my motivation has recently been at an all time low. Although I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my college experience thus far — including the classes I’ve taken, the internships I’ve pursued, and the friends I’ve made along the way — I now look ahead brightly to the future in hopes of securing a career in the communication field. All that lies between the future and I at this point are the last six classes that I’m currently taking, and it seems as though the semester is trudging along. After some reflection, I’ve chalked up my current state to four words: I’m in a rut.

Ruts can happen to the best of us; and even the most successful people go through periods in which they feel uninspired and unmotivated. While it can be so easy to wallow in this dreary state, it’s important to instead take a step back and reflect on why you feel the way that you do. Why aren’t you currently inspired by the work you do each day? Do you feel like most days you’re existing rather than truly living? Most importantly, what can you do to change this?

Elizabeth McKenzie of Huffington Post suggests that the reason we often fall into ruts is because we are not truly listening to our innermost voice. So often in life, we become concerned with what we “should be” doing, and completely lose sight of what really drives us to get out of bed in the morning. In order to regain that spark that has gone missing, try out some of these tips:

1. Find Time to Be Alone With Yourself

Sometimes, I realize that I pile so many obligations on my plate that I barely have time to sit quietly and think about what I truly want to be doing. Falling into this mentality can be dangerous, because saying “yes” to too many things can leave you feeling depleted and out of control of your life. Regardless of how busy your schedule is, be sure to take just a few minutes each day to meditate, walk outside, or do something that you find to be truly fun. The point is to listen to your inner voice and not the sea of voices that usually surround you at school, work, or social outings. Tapping into that inner voice each day will train your brain to focus on what really matters to you so you can start implementing more of that into your life.

2. Think of “Future You”

Kat Boogaard from The Muse motivates herself to complete tasks she doesn’t want to do by thinking of how it would impact her future self. While you may find some of your daily tasks to be tedious and mundane, just think of how completing them will help you succeed in the future. When I get bogged down with different homework assignments and start to feel overwhelmed, I remind myself that it will all be worth it in a few months as I cross the stage for graduation. I consider how important having a college degree will be for my future job, which motivates me to complete my assignments to the best of my ability. Thinking of how all your hard work will pay off is a great way to keep yourself on track and shift your focus to something more meaningful.

3. Know That Your Breakthrough Is Coming Shortly

Oftentimes, the biggest success stories are born from times of stagnation. If you’re feeling stuck, it probably means that you in dire need of a change to feel more at one with yourself. Recognizing that you need to switch up your routine — whether it be as big as applying to jobs in your dream location or as small as making your morning routine more productive — means that you are already on the right track to achieving the success you desire. Sometimes, just knowing that greatness lies right around the corner is enough to inspire you to keep going.

By implementing these practices into your life, you will be better able to get out of your head and realize that you have more control over your life than you think you do. Every day that you wake up, you are faced with a choice; you can either take control of the day ahead, or let it take control of you. Just as easily as you fell into a rut, you can pull yourself out of it by tapping into your most authentic self. You’ve got this!

Kelsey Baum

C of C '19

Kelsey graduated from the College of Charleston in 2019 with a Communication major and an Italian Studies minor. If you would like to further delve into the depths of her mind and see what she's up to now, check out her personal blog, RawReveries.com!