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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

As COVID-19 continues to spread across the U.S., social distancing is becoming more of a reality for everyone. While being cooped up in the house for days or weeks at a time is not ideal for anyone, we should make the best of it. During this time, it is important that we stay healthy and take care of ourselves. So here are my self-care tips to help you get through quarantine.

It’s Okay to Treat Yourself in Moderation

I find myself wandering over to the fridge a lot out of boredom. I mean, I don’t have anything better to do. It’s okay to indulge sometimes, but try not to make a habit of it. If you want to munch just because you’re bored, occupy yourself with something else, and instead of snacking all day, just treat yourself to some ice cream at the end of the night. You’ll feel much better about it. 

Home Workout

If you’re like me, you’re guilty of never finding the time to work out. I had a million excuses lined up as to what else I could be doing with my time. Many gyms are closed now, but nothing is stopping you from working out at home. Start at your own pace, whether that means a 5-minute workout or 30. Come up with a routine that works for you!

Get Some Fresh Air

Being stuck in the house all day isn’t exactly great for your mental health; nobody is used to being cooped up for so long. It’ll help to get outside a little each day. Go on a walk, a jog, or just sit outside — whatever you enjoy. I know I feel much better after it. Just don’t forget to socially distance!

Skincare is ALWAYS a Good Idea

Now is a great time to take care of your health, not just on the inside, but on the outside as well. Even though we aren’t going anywhere, find the time to wash your face every day, it will thank you later. Another relaxing idea is to unplug for a little while and try a facemask.

Being quarantined isn’t ideal and it can be hard, but there are ways to get through it. The important thing is to take care of your health, both physical and mental.

Hey guys! I'm a freshman here at the College of Charleston and I'm from a small town called Indian land Sc. I grew up in Charlotte. I absolutely love everything about Charleston and I'm so excited to be able to call it home. When I'm not busy with work and school I love reading, listening to music and of course the occasional Netflix marathon.