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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

We Built the Light at the End of the Tunnel


We were born with illuminated souls

ready to set our foretold destinies ablaze. 


But those who were meant to nurture and guard our innocence

only fed the flames to keep their own hearths warm.


To keep the wicked perceptions and twisted darkness that they created

from slipping into their minds.


They brought us into this poisonous world

just to steal our luminescence and fill their firefly jars. 


Now, we order ourselves to commiserate over each lesion left on our hearts

where childhood was meant to lay.


We’ve built our castle blocks from the dirt and clay our mothers and fathers used to

bury our bodies alive in already decomposing caskets. 


Inside, all that is left of us are the smoldering embers of lost hope in who we thought we were.

Who we were supposed to be. 

Who we were told we could be.


Kiera Marar is a Senior at Central Michigan University who is perusing a degree in Journalism with a concentration in Public Relations. When she isn't traveling or hiking with her dog, you can find Kiera writing poems, practicing yoga, or working hard to make her dreams a reality.