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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Butler chapter.



Early last week, the headquarters of Lambda Chi Alpha suspended Butler’s on-campus chapter.  After this event, we reached out to Lambdas on campus, asking for funny stories, memories and pictures from their time in the fraternity.

I was expecting some slightly inappropriate pictures and party stories. However, I quickly realized that I am just another person who assumed that all these frat boys were only concerned with having fun- which is far from the truth. Instead of drinking stories and raunchy pictures, I got pictures of the brothers in their Sunday’s best and memories of how much their brothers cared for them and made them feel at home.



Here are some of the responses I received…


“The thing I would like everyone to know is how all of the former brothers there made me feel welcome and supported me through difficulties I had throughout the semester…”

  • Stephen Kovarik

“Yes, brotherhood memories will forever live within me, but there should be more emphasis on the philanthropic opportunities that are no longer available… We partnered with the Butler Lab school and were able to raise 1,313 pounds of food towards a local food bank and $6200 towards Feeding America… Here is to Lambda Chi Alpha for allowing me to give back to the Indianapolis community and give smiles to those who are hurting from hunger or sickness. Alpha-Alpha will always be home.”

  • Matt Condon- Service and Philanthropy Chair


“Lambda always treated me with respect and genuinely cared about my well being. The guys all were interested in what I had to say and didn’t ever make you feel like you weren’t welcome. I’d say my fondest memory was just spending time with the brothers and getting to know them.”

  • Nathan Maynard


“To me, Lambda was a place that accepts all without question. If you lined all the brothers up and looked at the group, you would never think that these guys would be related, but the fact is that since we are all open-minded individuals and love diversity, we all get along so well… we like to live and learn through each other’s different backgrounds and experiences.”

  • Brahm Epstein


“The people I met and got to know over the first semester at Lambda were some of the most welcoming and accepting people I’ve met in my life.  Even though they hadn’t known me for too long, they accepted me as one of them very quickly and it made me sure that coming to Butler was a great decision.”

  • Doug Roche



“A favorite memory of mine is when Kyle Britnall, Bram Epstein and Mitch Carnes asked me to be a part of the Lambda Band (which later became “Sunset Avenue”). We recorded an album of original music all in this little room in the house. Drums, bass, guitar, voice and all. With what little we had, we made it work, and I think that’s pretty cool.”

  • Alex Weiss

“My fondest memory was during a brotherhood event when all 80 of us went to sky zone. It was us and about 100 little kids. We lasted 10 minutes before we were all profusely sweating and had to take a break. We ended up leaving 40 minutes early and we all agreed to never go back… We also made an impromptu slip n’ slide down the third floor hallway using a plastic table cloth and hand soap… It worked surprisingly well with little to no casualties!”

  • Nick Emmenegger


There is something to be said about a group of college guys who choose love each other and only want the best for each other, and that something should not have to die so soon.


Most associate fraternities with partying, and see past the good that they do for the community and in making strong, hardworking and dependable young men. Their brotherhood and memories will live on within all of us here at Butler.


Long Live Lambda Chi Alpha’s Alpha – Alpha Zeta Chapter!

What's up, Whats up! I'm Madi(son) and I am a feature/profile writer for Butler University in Indianapolis, IN. I'm giddy and full of personality that I hope is entertaining and useful for your womanly minds. GO DAWGS!
Jazmine Bowens is a senior at Butler University. She is a Psychology major with a minor in Neuroscience and the Campus Corespondent for Butler University's Her Campus chapter. When she isn't in class, she's writing poetry, reading romance novels, or hanging out with her friends. Jazmine hopes to one day become an environmental lawyer and a published novelist.