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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.



The cold is coming, so guys lets avoid being dry, dehydrated, and ASHY! It’s not cute.


Here’s some ways to be all the way moisturized this fall..


1. I know everybody and their mom says this but seriously drink at least 84.5 ounces a day or you’ll mess around and look like this 



2. Try using a nourishing soaps, they cleanse and keep the ash away!


3. Please, please, please…USE LOTION. Do yourself and all of us the favor!



4. OILS! Oils will lock the moisture in your hair, skin, and nails.


5. Let’s not forget lip balm…your lips needs some attention too



6. To top it off we need Spf to protect us



Hey love, my name is Soraya Saint-eloi. I'm currently studying Pharmacology and Toxicology at The University at Buffalo. My two favorite things to do, when I'm not studying or going to cheer practice, is to play with makeup and my puppy, Rocket.?