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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

Blogilates is a YouTube channel by Cassey Ho. Cassey is an award-winning fitness instructor and her YouTube channel, Blogilates, is the #1 female fitness channel on YouTube. What I loved about Cassey is that she is an empowering, motivating, and building confidence to all women. She welcomes people of all shapes and sizes and makes everyone feel special and determined to be successful in their own health journal. 


Cassey posts thousands of Pilates classes of all types, and let me tell you now Pilates is not easy at all. Pilates is a method of exercise that consists of low-impact flexibility and muscular strength and endurance movements. It emphasizes proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance. At first I was scared and felt hopeless because I could barely do a push up but even after watching just one week’s worth of Cassey’svideos, she has changed my morale. 


Cassey posts monthly calendars with the lists of certain workout videos to watch on her channel every day in order to stay on track. She has a beginner calendar as well as a more advanced calendar for anyone to watch! Every video I watch of her puts a smile on my face and makes me truly feel like I am doing these workouts with her instead of just lying down on my dirty carpet at my house (:/). Cassey also stresses the importance of self-care, self- empowerment and emphasizes to all her viewers that everyone is beautiful no matter what and she uses her videos to just build on peoples already existing confidence. 


The issue with other “weight loss” videos or weight loss plans is that they give you false, unsafe, and unhealthy practices to lose weight or just feel better. Others will push people to wit’s end, where Cassey explains giving your body a break is important and to only push so much because our bodies are a temple and the signs they give us every day should be listened to. 


I have been a follower to Cassey and her channel for two years now and have lost over 50 pounds and I have never felt better. There is not a day where I don’t look forward to watching her videos and learning all types of new moves in Pilates. 


Linked below is Cassey Ho’s YouTube Channel as well as her website for anyone to explore and to hop on the health train right now. With the holidays approaching, what better way to avoid the excess cookie weight that we all know will happen! 



Cassey Ho’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIJwWYOfsCfz6PjxbONYXSg

Hi! My names Victoria! I’m in the intended Nursing program at the University at Buffalo currently. A little about myself is I’m a bubbly, dog loving, Disney freak, who loves baking (I TRY to be healthy). I’m a member of Alpha Sigma Tau and now currently write for HerCampus here at UB :)