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Word On The Street: Hook-Up Culture

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

There’s no hiding it: the casual hook-up culture has a prominent presence on our campus. You’ve probably witnessed a glorious walk-of-shame on a Saturday morning or maybe even strutted one yourself. Whatever the case is, it’s no secret that many students take part. But what do Bucknellians really think about it? Here, we reveal what a couple of students think about the hook-up scene – everything from the random make-out sessions in those beloved frat basements to the complicated “friends with benefits” booty calls. 

HC: What is appealing about it?

  • Boy 1: Well, it’s pretty casual which I like about it.
  • Girl 1: No commitment – no strings attached.
  • Boy 2: It’s casual.
  • Girl 2: In some situations, you never have to see them again.

HC: What isn’t?

  • Boy 1: There aren’t a lot of openly gay guys for me to hook up with.
  • Girl 1: Girls get jealous of other hook ups.
  • Boy 2: The hook-up culture here totally favors the girls. The boys provide everything from the alcohol to the house and the girls reap all the benefits.
  • Girl 2: Feelings can develop that are one-sided and one person can get attached”.

HC: Does it have a negative effect on the campus’ view on women? What about men?

  • Boy 1: I don’t feel like it has a negative effect on men, but obviously if a girl talks about all the hook-ups she is having she will be labeled as “slutty” and a guy won’t be.
  • Girl 1: It seems to be more of a social norm for guys – it’s common for them to hook up with a lot of girls and are often times praised for it. But when a girl does it, she gains a bad reputation.
  • Boy 3: I think a lot of people find the guys ‘disgusting’ or ‘immature’ and think that the women are just ‘slutty’.
  • Girl 2: Yes, it makes girls look desperate, slutty, and ‘easy’.

HC: Do you foresee a change in the culture?

  • Boy 1: I don’t foresee a change in the culture, everyone seems to be pretty set in their ways here.
  • Girl 1: I don’t really see a big change coming unless changes implemented from the campus climate take place and Greek life has less of a presence on campus.
  • Boy 3: Not unless we, as a generation, change how we view sex.
  • Girl 2: No, because it’s easy and casual. If you were to go on dates instead, a relationship can be taken more seriously and lead into a committed one.

HC: Do you know at least 1 person involved in the hook-up culture?

  • Boy 1: Yes, I know many people involved in the hook-up culture. I feel like most are, actually.
  • Girl 1: Yeah.
  • Boy 3: Of course, who doesn’t?
  • Girl 2: I know multiple people involved…

HC: Do you think that there is a problem with the hook-up culture? Why or why not?

  • Boy 1: The only problem other than the way women can be portrayed is the lack of safety. I hear a lot about people not using condoms or making sure they are free of STDs and I think people need to be more careful.
  • Girl 1: No, it has become a social norm to our generation and it can only be a problem if it complicates other relationships – including friendships between girls who may fight over one guy.
  • Boy 3: I don’t think there is a huge problem as long as people have a clear understanding what each want from the other – you don’t want to be lead/ or be leading someone in the wrong direction.

These are just a few answers from the vast student body so I encourage you to comment back and give us feedback! What do you think about these questions and the responses?

Sarah Dubow graduated from school in 2013 and is a Digital Strategist at Marina Maher Communications in New York City. After serving as Campus Correspondent at Bucknell University, she is so excited to continue being a part of the Her Campus team! Besides traversing the city and trying to figure out what being a "real person" really means, Sarah loves long walks on the beach, sipping pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain (kidding!). Real favorites include traveling, writing, kickboxing, and making up ridiculous lyrics to the latest songs. She absolutely loves anything that involves cupcakes, butterflies, glitter, and anything Parisian and specializes in baking with far too much chocolate and obsessively watching shows bound to be cancelled after the first season. Though the long term path for this post-grad collegiette remains unclear, she's looking forward to all the new 20-something adventures that await her!