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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

On March 8th, the organizers behind the Women’s March on Washington will be holding a general strike for women nationwide. All women are encouraged to take off from work that day, so that businesses can see just how big a role the female population plays in their financial and social success.

The upcoming strike is an effort to generate continued momentum for the ongoing fight against gender inequality. The Women’s March that took place back in January was a major hit – Washington D.C. was inundated with handmade protest signs, pink knit “pussy hats” and an outpouring of love, unity and justice. For many, it was the first time where people of all genders felt like they had the power to make some sort of concrete difference. People who had formerly considered themselves “apolitical” were swept up in the euphoria of the demonstration. Protesters left D.C. feeling impassioned and inspired, ready to join minds with one another and open up a nationwide dialogue. Similar marches happened in major cities across the country.

Although it was a success, the women behind the Women’s March are not looking for a one-hit wonder. They’re looking to keep the movement going and prevent protesters from losing steam as we advance further and further into Trump’s presidency. This upcoming strike expresses a refusal to fall into a spiral of dejection and apathy; instead, it’s an effort to remain conscious of the wrongs and injustices that seep into our lives each and every day.

The thing about strikes is that they feel empowering in the moment, but once the sun starts setting and the crowd starts dissolving, the magic begins to wane. This is one reason why some people are quick to critique efforts like the Women’s March, deeming them unproductive or a waste of time. But, it is through extended efforts like the upcoming Women’s General Strike that protesters can actively prove those dissenters wrong. Our good intentions may go to waste if we don’t continue fighting in the wake of a large-scale rally.

It’s equally as important to replicate the spirit of demonstrations like the Women’s March within the status quo of everyday life. Need inspiration? Try participating in something like the Women’s March 10 Actions for the First 100 Days campaign, an easy way to implement positive changes into your day-to-day activities. In general, keep up with the news, call your representatives and talk with friends. Sometimes it’s the little things that end up snowballing into the biggest sources of change within your community.

More of the nitty gritty details regarding the Women’s General Strike will start rolling out as we approach the March date. Until then, keep the conversation going – at this rate, change is on its way.

What's up Collegiettes! I am so excited to be one half of the Campus Correspondent team for Bucknell's chapter of Her Campus along with the lovely Julia Shapiro.  I am currently a senior at Bucknell studying Creative Writing and Sociology.