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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Moving into college can be a very exciting time in a young-adult’s life. However, during the time of Covid-19, college life looks a little differently now. Students have been faced with the option of staying at home and taking classes online (a.k.a “Zoom University”). It’s important to remember that there are ways to prevent having a stressful semester at home while living with your parents. Here are 4 tips for how to live at home while being in college:


  1. Separate “school space” from “home space”

    Although it may be convenient to work in pajamas and stay in bed all day long, it’s not the most productive and healthiest thing to do. It is not a good idea to attend classes from bed because then you can start associating your bed with work instead of comfort. By designating certain spaces for completing work from the other spaces designated to relaxation, students can be less stressed and can still relax while being at home.

  2. It’s okay to take time for yourself!

    One of the biggest things to learn from the past year is that you’re not a bad person for taking time to focus on yourself. It is taught that school ALWAYS comes first and that definitely needs to be respected. However, professors should acknowledge that feelings of stress regarding school and tiredness from constantly doing work are bound to occur among their students. So make yourself and your health a priority!

  3. Get out!

    This is the tip that is much easier said than done. With spring and summer time practically here, the weather is starting to get warmer and more enjoyable. Getting Vitamin D from the sun can help your body, mind, and spirit. Even taking notes outside is a great way to switch up your working environment while also enjoying the benefits of nature.

  4. Stay in touch.

    Even though the internet is at our fingertips with so many people to talk to at any moment, we can often feel disconnected. By being a remote student, it can be hard to form closer relationships with professors as well as fellow classmates. A solution to this could be Zoom (yes, the same media platform that has changed universities everywhere). What is now used everyday for attending online classes can also be used to have a video chat with friends. This can be amazing to catch up with pals who are on campus or in a completely different state. Believe it or not, there are some benefits to Zoom.


Overall, it’s important to stay strong during these challenging times. Hopefully, these tips will help you turn a stressful situation into a calm and comfortable way to learn!


Madi is a senior Markets, Innovation, & Design major from Danville, Pennsylvania who intends to pursue a career in public relations/social media marketing. In her free time, you'll find Madi journaling, watching Gilmore Girls, or creating art in some way.
Isobel Lloyd

Bucknell '21

New York ~ Bucknell