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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

If you don’t already know, the FitBit is a wearable fitness tracker which records everything about your day: your exercise, your food intake, your weight, your sleep, and your overall activity level.  However, this is more than just a tracker, it is a social media outlet.  The device comes with an app where you can connect with fellow FitBit-ers and challenege them to weekly step challenges.  The FitBit’s goal is to keep you fit—thus the name—by promoting how small steps lead to big leaps in health.  And that makes sense, who wouldn’t be motivated if they were in a weekly step challenge with their roommate, their best friend from home, and their distant cousin.

However, the FitBit can be somewhat hard to be incorporated into your day to day life right off the bat.  Here are 4 ways to easily incorporate the FitBit into your daily life:


The regular FitBit is simple and sleek.  However, that classic look may get boring when you wear it every day.  Thankfully, designers such as Tory Burch have collaborated with FitBit to offer more “trendy” bands for your FitBit.

Set Goals for Yourself

One of the greatest things about the FitBit is that it is entirely in your control.  Since you have such easy access to all this data and statistics about your life, its so easy to set goals. Set a daily/weekly/monthly goal and with your FitBit, it’ll be easy to check your progress

Challenge Your Friends

Nothing is more motivating then a little friendly competition.  Challenge anyone you know to a step challenge, it’ll surely motivate you to take that extra step to reach your fitness goals.  And you two can even work out together.

Connect other Apps

Your FitBit isn’t only compatible with solely the FitBit app, in fact, there are over a dozen other apps which you can also connect with your FitBit.  For example:

·      MyFitnessPal; which allows you to easily count your daily calorie intake

·      Pact; which gives you cash incentives to work out

·      Facebook; to connect with friends

·      Weightwatchers; if you’re a Weight Watchers member

It is important to keep in mind, in a world with such negative body positivity it can often have the opposite effect.  The way the FitBit works is that you are always wearing it, and it is always tracking you.  It’s a super convenient way to be reminded that you’re still burning calories even when you aren’t hitting the gym. Though, it can be discouraging when you aren’t meeting your goals.  Just remember that its just a device, and that it shouldn’t become something to constantly stress over!