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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

If you haven’t heard of Alix Earle by now, you are definitely doing something wrong. That, or you are seriously living under a rock. Since the start of the pandemic, Tik Tok influencers have begun to take Gen Z by storm. Suddenly, things and people like The Hype House, Addison Rae, Charli Damelio, and now Alix Earle are household names. Therefore, if for some reason Alix Earle isn’t ringing any bells, we can help break it down for you. 

In the past two days, more than three people have approached me about my feelings and opinions toward Alix Earle. In what feels like the blink of an eye, she has been the headline of most of my conversations and that of my friends, and here’s how she did it.

Alix Earle is a 22-year-old senior currently attending the University of Miami where she is studying business and acting as a marketing intern for her family’s construction business: Earle. However, when she isn’t acting as an academic, she is becoming one of the most well-known names across the internet. Simply put, her “get-ready-with-me” videos are her claim to fame. Many of us know her as the girl who started the white eyeliner trend.

But, what fans love most about Earle is her ability to be real and authentic in her videos. She talks openly about work she has had done to her body as well as her medical history with acne and mental health. Many followers see Earle as relatable. She lives in Jersey, goes to college, and has insecurities, just like many of us. Her fame has reached such new heights that she was even invited to Miley Cyrus’ and Dolly Parton’s New Years Eve show. 

However, while Earle has millions of loyal followers, all her reviews aren’t so positive. Some people believe Earle isn’t as authentic as she makes herself out to be. She was extremely wealthy even before becoming an influencer, so her ability to get the best clothes and makeup or get plastic surgery isn’t something many college students can afford or have access to. Additionally, many teenagers don’t understand her fame. They believe she doesn’t do anything or bring anything new to the table so they can’t fathom why people are so obsessed. Some may even say she, like so many other female influencers, portray unattainable beauty standards for young girls who don’t understand why they don’t look like her after following her makeup routine to the tee. 

But, whatever the reason and whether we like it or not, she is taking the world by storm. No matter where she came from or how she did it, it’s difficult not to be impressed by her growing fan base, simply acquired just for being herself.

Kelly Troop

Bucknell '25

Kelly Troop is a rising Sophomore at Bucknell University with an intended literary studies major. She enjoys reading historical fiction and mystery and writing fiction. Once she graduates, she hopes to pursue a career in journalism, publishing, or editing. In addition to writing and reading, she enjoys cooking, spending time with friends, and playing sports.