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Why Chocolate Is A Collegiette’s Best Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Chocolate. Rich, creamy chocolate. Melt-in-your-mouth chocolate. The word itself is sinful. But I have good news, ladies! The sweet treat often avoided by dieters actually has unparalleled health benefits. Of course, we’re talking dark chocolate. Sorry, your Snickers stash doesn’t count- the world isn’t that kind. But dark chocolate? Your body will definitely be thanking you.

Chocolate isn’t commonly associated with kale, quinoa, and acai- but oh my, it should be! With wide-ranging benefits, dark chocolate has proven to be quite the superfood. Dark chocolate contains key vitamins and minerals that our bodies need: magnesium, manganese, fiber, iron, copper, selenium, phosphorous, and potassium. All this sounds great, but what does it mean for our bodies? 

Dark chocolate can:

Improve Brain Function

Study-break and chocolate-break just became synonymous! By increasing blood flow, dark chocolate reenergizes the brain to enhance memory and cognitive function.

Reduce Stress

Anxiety or blissful indulgence? Dark chocolate raises endorphins and enhances the effect of serotonin- the happy chemical. Before your next exam, skip the panic-attack and opt for a dark chocolate truffle instead.

Help Fight Fatigue

Afternoon nap or afternoon snack? The essential minerals found in dark chocolate regulates sleep cycles and boosts energy.

There you have it, ladies! The proof is in the pudding- the chocolate pudding, I might add. Dark chocolate, with all of its nutrient-dense glory, is truly a girl’s best friend.



Savanah Macdonald is a rising sophomore at Boston University's College of Communication. She is studying to receive a BS in communication with a concentration in Public Relations. She is the Public Relations Manager for the BU Community Service Center, and the Creative Director of Promotion for PRSSA's annual PR Conference. She is also a photojournalist for the Daily Free Press. She played ice hockey for 14 years, and has recently taken up figure skating. As an aspiring PR professional, Savanah hopes to dive into the fashion/cosmetic industries to help brands engage with and empower women and men. She takes her coffee black and is addicted to all things avocado.

BU '18

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