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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

As we all know, the last year or so has not been the easiest. Starting college is always strange and exciting, but this year especially has been so crazy and new. Rather than meeting friends and exploring my new campus at orientation, I sat at my computer in my bedroom at home with my camera off. I went to virtual tables at Splash and talked to club leaders through my laptop instead of walking around the field and meeting people in person. It was a little different than how I’d imagined.

Despite everything that stood in our way, I am proud of the Class of 2024. We got through it and had a pretty great year, all things considered. Plus, we “made it ‘til May”! I know that I grew a lot this year: I moved to a faraway city like I’ve always dreamed, and have learned so much despite this year’s rocky start. I’ve made some really great friends at BU and my first year has been truly incredible. I’m so excited to continue to grow and learn in my next 3 years here.

aerial view of Boston high-rise buildings and Fenway Park
todd kent/Unsplash

I just can’t believe that in a week, I’ll be going back home and my freshman year of college will be over. I feel like I just got here! This year at times felt incredibly long, but also surprisingly short.

The best part is, the rest of my college experience is only going to get better. Next year will already be a huge step in the right direction, hopefully with in-person classes and normal dining halls. We will still have plenty of chances to study abroad, go to parties, concerts, and sports events, and get so many valuable college experiences.

Ending the semester has already been very bittersweet for me. I am so excited to see and hang out with my family and friends from home as we all get vaccinated. I can’t wait to drive around my neighborhood, work my summer job, go to the beach, and just make the most of the summer break. At the same time, I am very sad to leave Boston. I’ll miss all the amazing friends I’ve made, my favorite spots in the city, and the freedom of college. But I’ll be back in the fall, and it will be better than ever.

three silhouettes in orange sunset
Photo by Levi Guzman from Unsplash

I, for one, am ready for the future, but I’m also trying to be careful to not wish away the present. We may look back and find that we miss Zoom classes or socially distanced gatherings, however unlikely that seems now.

I’m still just grateful that I got to have my freshman year on campus, and I hope to see everyone on campus next year! If nothing else, I will at least never forget my freshman year.

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Hi! I'm Martha, and I'm a psychology major from New Jersey. I love reading, writing, listening to music, eating ice cream, and meeting new people!
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.