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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Writing is definitely an acquired taste: you either love it or hate it.  But for those who love it, being a writer can easily become a lifestyle.  A pen and a piece of paper become creative outlets, and an empty word document becomes a story just waiting to be written.  So what are the perks that come with a passion for writing?   


1. You Always Have an Outlet for Your Emotions 

Whether you’re passionately scrawling words into your personal journal, or intensely typing your feelings out on your public blog, it always feels good to write it out when you’re hit with a hurricane of emotions.  And aren’t we all a little dramatic from time to time?  


2. You Can Literally Make a Story Come to Life  


Stories are always a great way to escape reality but sometimes the bookshelves of your library just don’t have the narrative you’re looking for.  As a writer, though, you can create your own!  There’s something incredible about being able to bring a character to life, or make a storyline in your head seem so real.  Who knows? Maybe one day your novel will be a bestseller!


3. You Have Another Method of Expressing Yourself    

Talking is great, but sometimes, certain things are just so much easier to express when you have a chance to write it.  A handwritten note expressing appreciation will have a more lasting impression than a quick “thank you.” Or maybe you’re a hopeless romantic who’s a sucker for a love letter.  Either way, sometimes the best way to say how you feel is through writing.   


Even if you’re more of a mathematician than a poet, or more of a scientist than a novelist, there’s no denying the value of a love for writing. So to all you writers out there, never put down the pen!  

Lexa is a junior at Boston University, studying Journalism in the College of Communication. You can often find her sipping on an iced coffee and trying to take an artsy photo that fits her Instagram aesthetic. Lexa hopes she can someday combine her passions for fashion, art, dance, and writing into a career, but for now, she'll be strolling down Comm Ave trying to make #LifeasLexa a personal brand.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.