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An Open Letter to Myself at the Gym

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Hey. You made it to the gym. Or outside for a run. Or to an exercise class. Or any form of physical activity. Good job—I know you hate it, and that you don’t do it as often as you should. But I know that you know it’s good for you. You’ll feel good afterwards. Sore means you did something. Plus, it’ll give you endorphins so you can’t even help feeling better.

Don’t worry about anyone else. No one is looking at you. No one is judging you. Do they notice that your incline isn’t very steep or that you’re struggling with the weight machines? Maybe. But they don’t care. They’re wrapped up in their own workout. So up that incline just a bit more and do your best. You’re here for you.

Even if you’re not trying to lose weight, it’s always good to be fit. You’ll get sick less often, live longer, feel more confident. Don’t think about how swimsuit season is coming up (omg). Just focus on your body getting a little bit stronger. Focus on your heartbeat. It’s kinda cool when it’s beating fast (okay that’s lame, but if it works, let it).

At least athletic clothes are comfy, and they can be cute if you try. It doesn’t matter what you look like anyway. You’re going to get sweaty, and your hair will probably be everywhere (if you’re doing it right.) Everyone will look like that though—don’t worry.

That’s the thing. Just don’t worry. Listen to your music—think of it as a chance to make a great playlist—and focus on you. One step at a time and then look at you, you’re exercising.

I’m proud of you. (Just make sure you do it again soon.)


Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.