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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

As a freshman, I took a step back from extracurriculars and focused all my time on school and my social life. However, I quickly became extremely bored. Then, a friend told me I should try out Her Campus because she’d had a positive experience with it and thought it’d be something I’d enjoy. 

Fall semester of this year, I decided to apply for the public relations and marketing team of Her Campus at Boston University. I knew I wanted to start delving into the PR world and thought this would be a great place to start. 

During this time, I was struggling with falling back into my routine at BU and was seriously considering transferring. I was feeling like I didn’t have a community and it was going to be impossible to find one, but that would soon change.

I vividly remember walking into the first meeting as a general member and feeling extremely overwhelmed. I’m generally an outgoing person, but it was a room full of girls who all seemed to already know each other and have their friends. 

I also vividly remember a bubbly girl who always seemed way too happy to be there forcing me out of my shell each week. Anna Mitchell was the bubbly girl and my PR and marketing director. 

Anna and I would always end up chit-chatting after meetings, and she quickly became one of my best friends. The shift of Her Campus being a resume builder to a club I genuinely cared about happened with Anna in one of her identity circles. 

In that identity circle, I met another one of my best friends: Kate Rekas. After bonding with Kate and Anna, I knew Her Campus was becoming a major community and safe space for me at BU. 

I mentioned wanting to do more and she pushed me to apply for the Secretary Intern position. Over winter break, I met with everyone on E-Board, interviewed for the position, and got it. 

The shift from general member to interning was seamless. All of the other interns and E-Board members were extremely welcoming and eager to help each other with anything they needed. 

I love being an intern because I get to be more active in the planning of events with HCBU, but I still get to enjoy PR and marketing meetings with Anna and work on stuff I love, such as the newsletter.

Her Campus has brought me a group of girls who I can go to for any sort of advice. In the short year I’ve been a member, I have grown so fond of the club and the people in it. 

My friends outside of HCBU have all heard my pitch as to why it is hands-down the best club on campus and everyone needs to join right now! 

If it weren’t for HCBU, I may not be at BU anymore. It has without a doubt changed the entire course of my college experience. I’m so grateful to have found such an amazing group of girls.

I love HCBU!

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Hello, my name is Margaret, or Maggie, LaBarge and I am a member of the Public Relations team at Hercampus BU! When I write, I love to talk about my personal experiences, how they have shaped me, and give advice to those who may be going through the same thing. I am a sophomore here at Boston University studying Public Relations with a minor in Journalism. During my freshman year, I wrote for the Lifestyle section of our student run newspaper — the Daily Free Press; this year, I have moved to the podcast section of the same newspaper. In my free time I am usually either working, I work as a server at a restaurant in Seaport called Moxies, or I am spending time with friends or family. I love to write, ski, and travel, so I usually am doing one of these activities when time allows. I grew up in the Adirondacks of New York surrounded by nature and tend to spend a majority of my time outdoors when weather allows. Connect with me through LinkedIn @ https://www.linkedin.com/notifications/?filter=all or my email mlabarge@bu.edu