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Margaret LaBarge

BU '26

Hello, my name is Margaret, or Maggie, LaBarge and I am a member of the Public Relations team at Hercampus BU! When I write, I love to talk about my personal experiences, how they have shaped me, and give advice to those who may be going through the same thing.

I am a sophomore here at Boston University studying Public Relations with a minor in Journalism. During my freshman year, I wrote for the Lifestyle section of our student run newspaper — the Daily Free Press; this year, I have moved to the podcast section of the same newspaper.

In my free time I am usually either working, I work as a server at a restaurant in Seaport called Moxies, or I am spending time with friends or family. I love to write, ski, and travel, so I usually am doing one of these activities when time allows. I grew up in the Adirondacks of New York surrounded by nature and tend to spend a majority of my time outdoors when weather allows.

Connect with me through LinkedIn @ https://www.linkedin.com/notifications/?filter=all or my email mlabarge@bu.edu