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How to Get Over a Spring Semester Slump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Spring semester in college is perfectly summed up in this tweet: “senioritis was nothing compared to spring semester in college” (@kellraineri). The nine weeks in between spring break and summer break are the longest nine weeks in my college life, each day filled with stress, sleepless nights, procrastination, studying, papers, assignments, copious amounts of caffeine and pain. It’s easy to get caught up in the spring semester slump, so here are some tips on how to get over it.

1. Get an adequate amount of sleep.

Photo Credits: Best Life

Being a college student and not getting enough sleep seems to go hand in hand. It’s so easy to keep putting off sleep, but it’s important to make sleep a priority. Try to get a good amount of sleep every night. If you plan on getting over this slump, you have to be awake and fully functioning.

2. Stop procrastinating.

Photo Credits: Motivation Grid

Putting off assignments until the last minute is only going to make these last few weeks even worse. If you’re reading this right now, this is your sign to stop procrastinating and get your work done!

3. Start a countdown.

Photo Credits: Medium

Seeing the exact number of days or weeks left until summer break is a great way to motivate you and get out of your spring semester slump. Having a specific number to count down to makes it a lot easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

4. Stay organized. 

Photo Credits: College Bound Admissions Academy

With so many things going on at once, it’s easy to forget approaching deadlines and events. By staying organized with all of your deadlines/events, your spring semester slump will at least be more manageable.

5. Give Yourself Some “Me Time.”

Photo Credits: Quick Meme

With all the stress that comes along with midterms and finals, it is important to treat yourself by giving yourself some “me time.” Spending so much time solely on academics takes a huge toll on your mental health, so treating yourself every now and then is so important if you plan on getting out of your spring semester slump.

I hope these tips make the rest of your spring semester a bit more tolerable. Getting over a spring semester slump may be difficult, but it’s not impossible. Just hang in there for a few more weeks because summer break is a lot closer than it seems.

Cover Photo Credits: HBCU Lifestyle


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Clarissa is a senior majoring in Journalism at Boston University's College of Communication. Besides writing, Clarissa loves Srabble, astrology, and satire. ?
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.