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How to Create a Minimalist Dorm Room

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

The minimalist movement has been encouraging people to get rid of the excess and live a simpler life. This can be as abstract or as straightforward as you wish. It is more than just organizing or de-cluttering – it is about recognizing what possessions are truly important to you. What better place than your insanely small dorm room to try this out?


1. Understanding What Minimalism Is

Many credit two men, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus (also known as The Minimalists) as the leaders of this movement. The two friends have traveled the world spreading powerful messages about the minimalist lifestyle. Their documentary called Minimalism is on Netflix and is well worth your time. They also release podcasts regularly and you can find them here!


2. De-stress and Own Less

First, put on your favorite cleaning playlist. Next, separate your room into sections. The desk is first. Anything that doesn’t serve a purpose or add beauty to your life is out! Note: This shouldn’t be a painful process. There is no need to get rid of everything you own – minimalism comes in different shapes and sizes for each of us.


3. Tackling Your Closet

That shirt with the tags on it that you brought to college because you thought you’d finally wear it? Get rid of it. Holding on to things just because you made a bad purchase doesn’t make it any better. It’s best to move on and clear up space in your closet for something you really love.

For more information on how to handle your closet, check out the 333 Project! It will help you de-clutter your wardrobe and get back to basics.


4. Your Backpack

Receipts from your Starbucks trips. Ten-thousand pens. Do you feel like you spend a lifetime digging into the black hole that has become your backpack? Finals will go a lot smoother with a lighter bag that holds only the essentials.


5. If It Doesn’t Work, No Pressure!

If you find yourself wishing you had your seven throw pillows back on your bed, or shoes for each day of the week, no sweat! Extreme minimalism isn’t for everyone, but it’s worth a try! Either way, you’ll come out of this experiment with some new ideas – and a cleaner room.


Even if you aren’t keen on throwing away all of your possessions just yet, hopefully, this has opened your mind to adopting some of the minimalist maxims. Less is always more, and minimalism may be just the thing you need to lead a simpler life!

Jill is a Sophomore at Boston University. She is studying journalism and enjoys listening to music, yoga, traveling, and any activity that involves food!
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.