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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

The end of the semester is approaching, which means final exams are too.

For most people, finals can take a toll on your mental and physical health. The pressure, lack of sleep, dark library cubicles, and endless hours hunched over your laptop contribute to this. Every semester I tell myself that I will be more organized and efficient during finals; this usually never happens.

So, before exams and papers creep up on us, let’s be prepared and ready to succeed at whatever comes our way! Having a finals survival guide is the perfect way to start…

1. Get organized.

Before study week starts, it is important to schedule your time. First, take note of pressing assignment deadlines and exam dates. Making a to-do list or marking a calendar can help you stay on top of your task list. It is also important to organize your study materials. Gather all your necessary notes and class materials that you’ll eventually need to study. 

In general, being organized is a great way to stay focused during finals week. Keep your surroundings uncluttered and organized, especially in your study space.

2. Use time management.

Be efficient with your studying! If you have multiple exams in one week or day, break up your study time and alternate the material you are learning. If you organize your time wisely it will make your work seem more manageable. Dedicating every hour or one afternoon to a specific purpose will keep you on top of your to-do list.

3. Ask for help!


College campuses offer so many resources to their students, especially during finals week. Reach out for help when you need it! Whether it is a personal or academic problem there is always someone who can help. Reach out to friends when things get hard and remember that we are all in this together!

4. Eat and sleep well.

Taking care of your body is essential during finals week. Being sleep-deprived and lacking nutrients won’t help you! Eat healthy snacks when studying and drink lots of water! Staying hydrated and well fed will keep you at your best and most alert for studying.  

5.  Decompress.

Work out, laugh, watch some Netflix, or do whatever can make you feel better after a long day of studying. You deserve it! Cramming does no good for anyone. If you feel like studying is just not working for you that afternoon, take a break and clear your mind a little before you go back to it. We all get tired and fed up. It’s ok to take a break.

Finals are by far the most grueling part of most students’ semesters. I hope this little survival guide will leave you well equipped for exams.

Now go on and study….


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Christina Constantine is a Boston University senior studying journalism. She is a New York City native that loves all things fashion, health, and lifestyle related.    
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.