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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

I can only speak from my personal experience as a rising sophomore, but it seemed to be a consensus that this semester’s housing process was painstakingly grueling and stressful for most students on BU’s campus.

It all started months ago when my roommate and I made an extensive Google sheet listing every single preference we could think of from living style, proximity to classes and dining halls, cost, and more. We had prepared at least fifty dorms that we would be content with, ranking them in order of preference so we had something to refer to when our top preferences were taken. 

Little did we know that none of the work we had put in would matter; when we checked the “Room Selection Availability” page the day before selection, the only remaining options were Warren Towers (where we currently lived), The Towers, or West Campus.

In a frantic rush to find a place to live, we selected two rooms in the Towers so my friends and I could all live near each other. While it was not ideal, I was simply happy to have a place secured to stay in my sophomore year… I am still an underclassman, after all. 

It did, however, make me think about the housing process and how my friends who, as freshmen, have better housing than juniors and seniors I know. Whether it is a single on Bay State Road or an apartment-style dormitory in South Campus, it seems unfair. The university would likely profit even more with a better system, as fewer upperclassmen would be inclined to find off-campus housing.

Many students entering their first semester through the CGS program this spring found themselves living at Hotel Commonwealth due to the university’s inability to house them on campus. While the hotel is a great location, I know I would be frustrated if I was paying thousands of dollars and missed out on the first-year college experience in a dorm!

I have no intention of portraying the university in a bad light. I am beyond grateful for my ability to afford and be offered guaranteed housing next year. However, I simply can’t help but question the process itself. 

As I continue my next few years here, I am optimistic that the process will improve. If not, we are lucky to have the flexibility to live off-campus in the wonderful city of Boston and have room change options such as Summer Swap over the summer.

Whatever your housing situation is for next year, I wish you the best of luck!  

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Noyonika is a freshman at BU majoring in Environmental Analysis and Policy with a potential double minor in Economics and Nutrition Science. She enjoys singing, working out, and exploring the city to try new foods in her free time!