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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Let’s face it—college is a whirl. Sleepless study nights, mind-numbing readings, detail-oriented exams, time-consuming extracurriculars, limitless social events, etc. Not to say that buzzing around campus is a bad thing—being an active and engaged student is something to strive for.  But when does involvement become burdensome? And how can we prevent drowning in overactivity? Devoting a few minutes to yourself can minimize the strain of a productive college schedule so try waking up a bit earlier and incorporate these 5 habits into your morning routine:

1. Silence

After waking up, take a few minutes to yourself. Practice meditation, deep breathing, and self-reflection. Don’t be afraid to focus inward, directly engaging with yourself is crucial to long-term happiness and productivity.

2. Visualization

Where do you want to be in 5 years? In 5 months? In 5 hours?  What’s your dream job? Put some energy into visualizing yourself living up to your full potential—refocusing our aspirations will help us achieve them.

3. Stretch

Re-energizing your muscles each morning will boost mental clarity. You don’t have to be a gymnast, but try to touch those toes!  

4. Journal

We owe it to ourselves to document our memories, ideas, and lessons-learned. Take a few minutes each morning to write whatever comes to mind—you might be pleasantly surprised by your own insights!

5. Read

Yep, pick up that dusty book you’ve been meaning to read! Each morning, spend a few minutes reading something you enjoy. Whether for self-improvement or recreation, reading for ourselves—outside of academics—will guide us toward personal growth.

That’s it, ladies! Set those alarms 30 minutes early, follow these 5 steps, and become a more productive, engaged collegiate! 

Savanah Macdonald is a rising sophomore at Boston University's College of Communication. She is studying to receive a BS in communication with a concentration in Public Relations. She is the Public Relations Manager for the BU Community Service Center, and the Creative Director of Promotion for PRSSA's annual PR Conference. She is also a photojournalist for the Daily Free Press. She played ice hockey for 14 years, and has recently taken up figure skating. As an aspiring PR professional, Savanah hopes to dive into the fashion/cosmetic industries to help brands engage with and empower women and men. She takes her coffee black and is addicted to all things avocado.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.