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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Spring break is here! Finally, am I right? After midterms and loaded assignments, our mid-semester vacation is like a heavenly gift. Many of us plan vacations with our friends to exciting places or use this time to rejuvenate at home. It’s a period to look forward to in the middle of the semester!

Here are the five stages of spring break:

1. Anticipation

Since the end of winter break, many of us look forward to spring break. Why? Because we all love vacation! Anticipation starts to build after planning what you’re going to do right after you finish your last class before spring break. At this stage, you just want classes to end so spring break can start!

2. Excitement

It’s happening! Spring break is happening! At this stage, you are filled with excitement. You want to do everything and anything. Whether you’re going on vacation with your friends or going home for much-needed relaxation, you want to make sure you utilize your spring break to its fullest.

3. Complete Bliss

You need a spring break. You deserve it! After working your butt off in schoolwork, this mid-semester break is well deserved! At this stage, you are taking full advantage of this break to have fun or relax. All your semester woes are forgotten.

4. Realization

You’re enjoying spring break and then it hits you. You are hit with the realization that this week-long vacation is ending soon. You are hit with the realization that you have homework, papers, or tests you need to study for because you have professors who assigned them for the first class back RIGHT AFTER BREAK.

5. Denial

It’s ending. Spring break is ending. Immense sadness occurs at this stage because you don’t want to go back to reality. At this stage, you are denying the fact that this week-long vacation is coming to an end.

Spring break is something many students look forward to…For good reason! It’s a well-deserved mid-semester break that can refocus us on what we need to get done before the semester ends. It allows us to relax and have fun! So enjoy your spring break! You deserve it!


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Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.