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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Study breaks during finals week are an absolute must, but an hour long episode of Game of Thrones or Law and Order is not the type of break that’s in our best interest. Studying for more than 90 minutes at a time is a waste- your brain cannot hold that amount of information! Every 90 minutes or so, a ten minute study break is necessary. Here are some effective study break tips to help you feel fresh and renewed while you study for finals this semester!

1.      Schedule your breaks periodically through your studying ahead of time. Make goals for yourself; “When I finish this section, I’ll take ten minutes.”

2.      Determine the time limit of your break.  Set an actual timer, and most importantly, stick to it!

3.      Snacking can be a good break, but make sure it’s a healthy one. Taking the time to prepare some good brain food not only helps fuel your brain, but provides some productive time away from the books.

4.      Get your body moving! Exercise has proven to increase brain function.  If you don’t have time for a full workout, take the dog for a walk, run up and down the stairs a few times, or even do a ten minute “power clean” of your room.

5.      Avoid junk food, naps, and media. These things can slow you down and only make you feel more tired and less productive.

My name is Jaci Kline. I am a freshman at Bryant University. My sister is my best friend. Photography is my hobby. Running is a my favorite activity to do.