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Easy Switches to Eat Healthier

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Eating healthy does not have to be a project! You don’t need to go Paleo or Vegan just to be healthier; try a few of these alternatives to start eating healthier without going cold turkey.

At Chipotle…

  • Brown rice instead of white rice

  • Bowl instead of burrito

  • Lettuce instead of rice

At Salmo…

  • Rice instead of pasta

  • Water instead of soda

  • Make your own stir fry to control the amount of added sauce and oils

  • Eggs instead of a bagel at breakfast

  • Fill your plate with veggies first, then add your pasta in the remaining room

In your dorm…

  • Skinny Pop instead of popcorn

  • Multigrain chips instead of Tostitos

  • Almond or soy milk instead of whole milk

  • Yogurt in the morning instead of a bagel

  • Tea instead of coffee

On the weekends…

  • Use seltzer water instead of soda for mixers and chasers

  • Drink vodka instead of beer

  • Don’t drink! One weekend of not drinking can not only give your body a nice detox, but also save you upwards towards 800 or more calories.

  • Leave healthier snacks out (instead of Ronzio’s bacon mac and cheese pizza) waiting for you for when you come back home.

At Dunkin,

  • Skim instead of whole milk or cream

  • Medium instead of large, small instead of medium (baby steps, we know)

  • Flavored coffee instead of flavor swirl

  • Iced tea instead of coffee
Bryant University Class of 2019I can watch a whole series on Netflix in less than a month and feel no remorse... same with eating an entire pint of Phish Food.