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Keeping (or getting!) healthy in Autumn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bristol chapter.

I always see the start of a new academic year as the real New Year; a chance to make some resolutions, scrap the bad habits and get into a new, healthier routine. 


That being said, starting university is a whole different kind of ‘new’: having to do everyday things for yourself for the first time on top of getting used new people, places and things is exciting, but certainly has its challenges.  I’m sure I’m not the only person who found themselves eating whatever was easiest or whatever I could get my hands on after my first day of lectures and seminars! 


So, I’ve compiled a brief list of easy changes to help you feel a little brighter as the nights draw in.


1. Walk to uni or work – For me when the bus is busy, the walk doesn’t even take much longer and I felt much better; more awake and alert for my lectures and seminars having had some time in the fresh air. If your journey is just too long to trek the whole way, hop off the bus a couple of stops earlier and walk the rest of the way. It might also be an idea to look at the weather forecast for the week and choose a bright day – nothing dampens a day more (literally) than a morning walk in the rain!


2. Switch up your snack – I’m an awful snack-er and need to take my own advice on this, but try switching your pack of crisps for some salted rice cakes or a toasted pitta and hummus. They curb your crunch and salt cravings without so much cholesterol. For those of you with a sweet tooth, grab a kiwi, some berries or melon – all are high in vitamin C to help you combat the new term germs or even freshers’ flu.


3. Have an early night – a bit of a boring one, but try and make one night a week the one where you’re tucked up in bed with enough time to get a full 8 hours’ rest. For me it’s a Sunday night, when there’s not much going on in the evening. If you do this every week, it’ll become a habit that you’ll be grateful for. 8 hours is ideal as it gives your body time for 5 full sleep cycles (90 mins each), which helps to boost your immune system and memory – ideal for when you’re trying to retain information from an early morning lecture.


4. Be kind to yourself – you’re just getting back into the routine after summer and it will be hard! Give yourself a pat on the back if you manage to follow any one of these tips, and remember: you’re doing great ?

I'm Ellie, a third year English student and the Editor-in-Chief at HerCampus Bristol. I love sunshine, long walks and English breakfast tea! I write about all things health and wellness, with a few miscellaneous topics sneaking in here and there.
Sarah Wilson

Bristol '19

Co-President of Her Campus Bristol