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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bristol chapter.

Just over a month after all that “New Year, New Me” malarkey and I hope I’m not the only one feeling the excitement and motivation wearing off slightly. But, luckily, thanks to Bristol’s unusually late start to the second term; I can’t help but feel like I’ve been given a new opportunity for a fresh start. So here goes: New Term, New Me.

The standard New Year’s Resolution clichés always strike me as boring, repetitive and, let’s be honest, unrealistic. We all tend to go for things like “Get fitter” or “Work harder at uni,” which are not only vague but also huge lifestyle changes; this makes them really difficult to stick to. So, given my role in the Beauty department of HC, I thought we’d focus on some beauty-related changes we can all make this term. Hopefully these smaller and more achievable goals can make us happier, or even just make the term that bit more fun or exciting.

One thing that is of key importance to us as students is money. Try as we might to budget, it’s all too easy to find ourselves shopping for food in the Sainsbury’s Basics range immediately before buying a £20 Motion ticket: everyone’s got their priorities straight, right? But, as difficult as it is, this term may be, try and make some budget related goals for your health and beauty purchases. If you’re anything like me, you’ll know the trials and tribulations of spending all your money on expensive makeup brands and finding yourself deep into your overdraft far too early in term. So this term, why not experiment a little? Swap Mac for Maybelline and see how it goes. As much as I am Mac’s number one fan, even I can admit that for most of us, trying out a cheaper foundation once in a while won’t hurt. Try it, see the difference in your bank account and enjoy your savings!


(Photo Credit: Google)

Equally, if you spend little to no money on beauty, skincare or hair products, partly out of a much more sensible attitude towards money than mine, why not treat yourself once or twice this term. The feeling of having one special product, whether that’s a moisturiser, a tube of mascara, a perfume- the list continues- is a really great one. Hey, exams are over now, you deserve it!

Generally making sure you don’t forget to take care of yourself is another good resolution. Changes like making sure to cleanse your face every day without fail, getting enough beauty sleep and drinking lots of water will all make you feel great, not to mention doing wonders for your skin: but more on that next week!

(Photo Credit: Google)

Change seems to be a recurring theme in most people’s New Year’s Resolutions. Yes, change can be a good thing. Maybe try a bold red lip once in a while for fun, you never know, it could be your best look yet! But ultimately, my advice is: don’t feel the pressure to change if you don’t want to. Why not resolve to repeat the beauty trends you’ve known and loved the best. Have a think back, hey – maybe have a look through some old photos and remind yourself of a day you felt and looked your best. Then repeat that look or style – it’s as simple as that! After all, we are undeniably all creatures of habit, this resolution is one that’s super easy to stick to.

Ultimately, then, the moral of the story is it’s never too late to have a fresh start. So, this term, why not make some small but effective changes to your health and beauty regime. Whether that’s budgeting or going for a more eco-friendly product once in a while, or even just working out what styles and habits work best for you, go for it and have a fantastic term!

Danni is the Beauty Editor of Her Campus Bristol. She is a third year English student hoping to have a career in the fashion and beauty industry. Never seen without winged eyeliner, avid Vogue collector.
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