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Winter Self Care: How to Look After Yourself this Season

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bristol chapter.

Winter is very much upon us. 

It’s frosty outside, the daylight hours are shorter, tinsel is being hung and Michael Bublé is hiding in every corner. You might be eating chocolate from an advent calendar or drinking hot cocoa in your kitchen. It is cold outside, beautiful- but the air is crisp. In fact, it’s so bloody cold (especially if you’re a student). 

Looking after ourselves is important all year round, but it can be especially difficult in the nippy, dark winter which can easily feel gloomy. I have certainly been finding November and December challenging this year with deadlines looming and the all too familiar feeling that I simply don’t have enough time, made more noticeable when the sun ceases to shine from 4pm. I have implemented some measures in my life to combat this gloominess. Although it can feel an overwhelming time, I believe Winter is ultimately magical. Here are my tips and tricks for capturing the wonder in this period whilst looking after yourself.  

  1. Make your room your safe place. 

By the nature of the season, we spend the most time indoors. You might be scurrying off to lecturers, workshops and seminar in the day, but most of us choose to hibernate inside after. So, here’s to making sure that inside is as cosy as possible without spending too much money. 

Firstly, lighting. Lighting can be the difference between a sterile hospital waiting room and a Santa’s grotto feel (which evolves into an indoor field of daisies at sunset when the seasons change if you so wish). My advice would be warm white lighting, not harsh white. And, everyone thinks fairy lights when we talk about lighting but I really don’t think there is a need for them, despite Zoella’s fairy light wall from the 2010s making it seem so. You could just have one gorgeous overhead light or perhaps pull a Florence Given and put clothes over your bright lights to make them feel more homely. Whatever works for you!

Secondly, blankets. As mentioned prior, in student houses it is bloody nippy. I have a 20 billion zillion tog duvet from the start of the term. Maybe I’m cold blooded but it really makes a difference having a thick duvet. Blankets and throws are also helpful for added snugness. You can buy some for as little as £6 from Amazon.

Thirdly, I know you’re only going to be in your room for a year so it can be tempting to not want to ‘waste time’ decorating but I really believe the space you are in can have a huge impact on how you feel. It’s not too late to carve out a few hours to fill it with whatever you wish. For me, this would be books, more books, and posters, but it’s about whatever suits you the best.

  1. ‘Night-ins’ are blissful 

Going out can be a whale of a time, but I’ve found that I’m much more of a night-in fan than I ever realised. I think part of the territory of first year is drinking until the cows came home but taking time for myself through evenings in has been such a blessing in second year, and something that can make this Winter period feel beautifully intimate and warm. 

These are some of my favourite ‘night-in’ plans: 

  • Lighting a candle
  • Listening to the Normal People Soundtrack whilst studying
  • Watching a movie (‘Sitting in Bars with Cake’ is phenomenal! Warning, you may shed a tear or two…)
  • Listening to a full album in its entirety
  • Reading a book that has nothing to do with my degree
  1. Move your body

I frequently say ‘Ugh, I feel so bleh today’. I know it’s because I have only moved from my bed to my desk to my kitchen but my stubborn self refuses to go any further. Especially in winter, I get so movement-averse. But on those days, movement is what I need the most. When I do move I feel so much better in my body and my mind. 

When I say ‘movement’, I don’t mean running a 10K or booking onto a long cardio session at the gym. It is just about scheduling some time in the day to let your body stretch and play however feels best. This can certainly be a 10K run (if so, I’d recommend Ashton Court), but it could just as easily be Yoga stretches (I’d suggest Yoga With Adriene), or more simply – putting on a song and dancing in your room. Just 10 minutes of movement can do the world of good. 

  1. Shared meals

With the business of this time, it can be so tempting to cut corners on things like food and eat something less delicious just because chicken and chips are oh so easy – and that’s ok! It is perfectly ok to eat whatever you desire, but I do find that when I can, cooking for a housemate (and them doing so in return), fills me with a joy, just as much as when I’m left with a full stomach. 

These meals also don’t have to be crazy difficult or expensive. They could be a pasta dish like bolognese or the famous vodka pasta. I’ve found burritos aren’t too costly and they go down a storm. 

Cooking for or with a housemate is a simple but incredibly fun activity which boosts the nutritional value of your food just as much as it boosts how you feel. 

  1. To-do Lists

This final suggestion is certainly not for everyone, but I find lists are incredible for my general sanity. My mind is frequently full of tasks I need to complete but I frequently forget to write them down. When I do, however, my mind is emptied just that little bit, freeing up room for thinking.

I have a similar relationship to journaling. This, I find, only has positive impacts!

I hope your Winter is filled with joy and relaxation and that these tips help you navigate taking care of yourself.

Hi! I'm a second-year English and History Student. I love writing about popular culture, feminism and the arts.