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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brighton chapter.

If you are experience extreme emotions of isolation or concern during your pregnancy, please contact your midwife or GP.

Although certain fears are common throughout pregnancy, you may always talk to your midwife or doctor if you are worried about how you are feeling. Without passing judgment, they will orient you towards all the help you require. 

You can discuss any worries with your partner, friends, or family as well. Your relationship, finances, health, or how you will handle having a kid may be the source of your anxiety. Whatever you are worried about, do not keep it within; you matter, and support is there if you need it. 

It is normal to experience a wide range of emotions when pregnant because it is a major life event. There are, however, things you may attempt if your sadness is beginning to interfere with your life. 

  • Inform a friend, family member, physician, midwife, or other trusted person about your feelings. 
  • If you feel stressed, try relaxing breathing techniques. 
  • Exercise if you can because it might make you feel better and aid in falling asleep. 
  • Consume regular meals and a wholesome diet. 
  • If you want to get to know other pregnant individuals, attempt to attend prenatal courses. 

It is normal to feel conflicted feelings about becoming pregnant, whether it was planned. You may go between being joyful and sad, or from being enthusiastic to anxious. Your emotional highs and lows during pregnancy may be influenced by hormones like oestrogen and progesterone, especially in the first three months, so try and be self-aware of the changes your body is going through and how this may affect your mentality.

  • Remember that everyone’s experience of pregnancy is different, so avoid comparing yourself to other pregnant individuals. 
  • Never hesitate to express your feelings to healthcare experts since they are there to help and listen to you. 
  • Avoid using drugs, alcohol, or other substances to attempt to make yourself feel better since they might have the opposite effect and harm your baby’s development. 

Your mood may alter because of your body changing throughout pregnancy. When pregnant, some women adore the physical sensations and feel empowered and powerful. Others do not like their current state of pregnancy or how they feel or appear. For instance, you could be worried about the amount of weight you are gaining and how long it will take to reduce. Another factor that may be making you irritable is if you are unwell or exhausted. 

Do not be too harsh on yourself. In glitzy publications and on social media, we are continually inundated with flawless pictures of pregnant women who are joyful, healthy, and enjoying themselves. The truth, however, is frequently quite different. Pregnancy has an impact on many women’s bodies and emotions, but not everyone likes it. 

As mentioned at the start, this is just some comforting words of advice when going through a college pregnancy. Always seek professional medical advice from midwifes or GPs in regards to your personal pregnancy experience and have a look in your area to see if there are any support groups of other pregnant women.

Further support and sources can be found here:
Oluwakemi is currently studying masters in Journalism at the University of Brighton. She's a Nigerian and she loves meeting people, learning new cultures and networking. She wants to explore Journalism in the UK as its quite different from where she's coming from.