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Black Excellence at Brenau University

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brenau chapter.

As a black girl who loves her people, but also loves her predominately white university, the things in Brenau’s history that I’ve found have hurt a little bit. It hurts to know there was a time that black students were shunned from attending school here, and that had I been born 50 years earlier than 1996, my blackness would have been considered unacceptable on the grounds of Brenau.

It’s puzzling to hear that an African American student didn’t get to Brenau until 1972. It sickens me to think that a president at Brenau may have perpetuated segregation further than the Civil RIghts Act. However, it is not surprising.

This black history month, I promised myself I would be unapologetically black at my school. I did not care who I offended by walking into class and saying “Happy Black History Month.” I was unbothered by the circulated misconception of my hatred for white people (because it’s very Jim Crow of you to assume I hate white people just because I love being black). I ignored glares I got after I performed my poem, “Angry Black Woman,” at Brenau’s Got Talent. And I made sure everyone was aware that it was black history month by walking into class and saying, “Happy Black History Month.”

Why? Because it’s black history month, and for once, I deserve to love who I am without having to feel bad for making anyone feel uncomfortable about it.

And since I am the Editor-In-Chief of an amazing, open and welcoming publication within the beautiful place we know as Brenau, I figured I would use my platform to celebrate the many beautiful black women that grace this campus.

Here is a picture of the Editor in Chief of our student newspaper, Nicole Vernon.

Nicole is also one of HC at Brenau’s Campus Correspondents.

Here are the pretty ladies of the Rho Eta chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the first black sorority on campus.

Here are the devastating divas of the Tau Eta chapter of Delta Sigma Theta.

Here, we see the step team at Flowery Branch High School. 

Here is the Black Student Association doing community service. 

The new Brenau Ideal, Autumn Dodson, is black. 

Here’s the track team being honored for their success. 

Yes, there are white people in the picture. This is STILL black excellence. 

Last but not least, our beloved Dean of Students, Miss Valerie! 

Happy Black History Month, y’all!

My name is Kenya Hunter! I am a freshman at Brenau University as a Mass Communications major. My focus is journalism!