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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

We are at that point in the semester where winter break is in sight and motivation is nowhere to be found. Here are some tips for pushing through the last few weeks of the semester! 

1. Schedule out your days

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Write down when you’re going to do your homework and be realistic with how long you think it’s going to take you. Try to stick to the schedule as much as you can, and don’t forget to put some study breaks in there! I like to study or do homework for 45 minutes and then take a 15-minute break. 

2. Make your breaks meaningful 

Taking study breaks is important, but a lot of times those breaks consist of scrolling through Instagram or looking at Snapchat. Once you pick up your phone, it’s so much harder to put it down and get back to work. Instead of scrolling mindlessly, try coloring, meditating or taking a walk. Call your mom or your best friend or journal for those 15 minutes (or however long you want to break for) and make it meaningful. That will help you feel refreshed and it’ll be easier to return to studying. 

3. Stay healthy

We are about to enter flu season and so staying healthy is imperative. When you’re sick, the last thing you want to do is catch up on classes. By keeping yourself healthy, you can continue to work hard and not fall behind. Make sure to take your vitamins and wash your hands, as well as doing activities to keep you mentally healthy (which is just as important!). 

4. Stay present 

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Lastly, make the most of your last year of college. Graduation will be here before you know it—time flies and pretty soon school may not be a part of your routine. So soak up all the time you have left with your friends and enjoy each moment. Make memories and laugh really hard. Hug your roommates and tell your friends that you love them. Life is short. Remember that you’re in the middle of what you used to look forward to, and remember to be fully present in where you’re at. 

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Rachelle is a junior at Belmont University. She is studying music therapy and has a minor in psychology and hopes to work in hospice someday. Along with writing, she enjoys reading, learning new musical instruments, and spending time with friends.