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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

Teahouses are popping up all over the place nowadays and have begun to gain just as much popularity as coffee shops. But did you know that different teas have different types of awesome health benefits? Check out these 13 types of tea below to see what you should be trying on your next tea date.


1. Green

Green tea is one of the least processed teas, therefore it’s high in antioxidants. These antioxidants help fight cell damage, which is why you shouldn’t add boiling water to a green tea, because that can completely rid it of them. Green tea also reduces cholesterol, and although there is caffeine in it, it can also have a very relaxing and calming effect. Green tea is a great drink to have hot or cold, at any time of the day.

2. Black

Black tea actually comes from the same plant as green tea, but the tea leaves are exposed to oxygen and this oxidation turns the leaves black. Black tea is known for its larger amounts of caffeine and antioxidants. (A great substitute for your daily morning coffee) The benefits of black tea include lowering risk of heart disease and diabetes, encouraging a healthy immune system and regulating blood sugar levels.

3. Chamomile

My personal favorite, chamomile tea, has been long used throughout Europe and Asia to treat sleep and stomach troubles. Now becoming quite popular in North America, chamomile not only has sleep-inducing properties, but can also soothe puffy eyes and be used as an antibacterial mouthwash. Add a little honey and you have a perfect drink for a sore throat. It was my saving grace when I used to sing in a choir every day of the week.

4. Oolong

Oolong provides the benefits of both black and green teas, and with it, a fruity flavor. Oolong is often the tea of choice for weight management and is known to help alleviate skin conditions, two things every college girl worries about at some point or another. However, Oolong tea can be very high in caffeine, so if you are sensitive to caffeine, be careful about drinking too much.

5. Hibiscus

Wanna cool off in the summer? Hibiscus is a favorite tea choice to do just that. In addition to being refreshing, hibiscus also helps lower blood pressure, especially for those with diabetes. Other reasons to drink hibiscus include its naturally high amount of vitamins, such as vitamin C.

6. White

White tea is the least processed type of tea, making its antioxidant properties the highest. It has the least amount of caffeine out of all of the caffeinated teas. White tea can also lower cholesterol and blood pressure and is antibacterial.

7. Peppermint

The oil and menthol found in peppermint can have a therapeutic effect, acting as a decongestant and an anti-inflammatory, while also helping to suppress the appetite. So if you’re looking for a better way to stop constantly snacking, peppermint tea could be the trick for you.

8. Dried Ginger

Dried ginger tea is great for those suffering from a cold or allergies. It’s also good for things like sore muscles, menstrual cramps, and even motion sickness. A cup of this after days of working out can be instantly calming and relaxing.

9. Stinging Nettle

Nettles are the most often recommended remedy for seasonal allergies and can help relieve itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, and runny nose. This is also an herb to try for who needs a quick boost of energy.

10. Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate is super popular in South America. It contains natural caffeine and works to produce corticosteroids, which act as an anti-inflammatory in response to allergens. This can help open up respiratory passages and increase oxygen intake, and is all around really beneficial to your body’s respiratory system.

11. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm belongs to the mint family, but has a very lemony scent, hence why it got its name. Most known for its calming effects, lemon balm can also help with colds and other respiratory issues. It alleviates digestive problems, such as an upset stomach and gas, and also works well for painful ailments such as headaches or toothaches.

12. Dandelion

Dandelion tea is great for digestion. It also lessens hot flashes and combats the formation of kidney stones, both of which are not very fun.

13. Cinnamon

Of course, let’s not forget the super spice of the herb world. Consider cinnamon tea if you’re interested in lowering cholesterol, fighting viruses, increasing your antioxidants or even alleviating symptoms of arthritis.

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Hey there, I'm Mick! I'm an Entertainment Industry Studies major with a double minor in Music Business and Entertainment Journalism. In my free time, I watch a lot of 2000's episodic dramas and make lots of playlists. I love all things entertainment so if you ever need someone to share new to share music with or talk about television and movies with, I'm your person!