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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

For whatever reason – the bitter New England cold, the unsuspected onslaught of homework, or just pure and inexplicable laziness –  sometimes it’s hard to get to the Plex during the week.  As BC Collegiettes, our schedules tend to be packed and more or less unwilling to grant us the hour needed for a proper Plex session.  Though working out in the dorm often seems preferable to braving the wind and the voyage to lower campus to fight for a treadmill, I have often laid my yoga mat out on my carpet with little motivation or idea of where to begin.

Instead of struggling through a half-hearted workout on your own, the YouTube channel Blogilates is an excellent alternative to a Plex pilates class.  Instructor Cassey Ho is Internet-famous for her challenging YouTube workout videos, ranging from intense abdominal workouts to cardio sessions.  Each video is about 10 to 15 minutes long…complete four and you’ve got yourself a pretty solid workout without having to leave your room!  Cassey is peppy, encouraging, and, unlike other YouTube workouts, hers are HARD. 

In addition to cheap and healthy recipes, themed workout series, and a convenient iPhone App, Blogilates also offers FREE workout calendars, which map out exactly which videos to do each day, each month.  The workouts vary, and new videos are uploaded every week!

Interested in trying out Blogilates?  Here are some of the most popular videos to get you started.  Look it up on YouTube or at Blogilates.com!


Victoria’s Secret Ab Workout

Abs on Fire!

Miley Cyrus Ab Workout


Perky Butt and Long ‘n Lean Legs

Inner Thigh Insanity


Cardio Ballet Challenge

Heart on Fire!

POP Cardio: Heart Throbber


Photo Source:



Maddie is a senior at Boston College, where she spends her days fawning over literature and Art History textbooks. She was previously an editorial intern at Her Campus, and is now a HC contributing writer and blogger. Follow her on twitter @madschmitz for a collection of vaguely amusing tweets. 
Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum