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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Babson chapter.

2018 was my personal year of growth. From graduating high school to finally starting college, so much has happened for me this year. I learned so many valuable lessons that were much needed in order to be ready for the upcoming year.

  1. Health: Everyone here has heard of the Freshman 15. Although not always the most accurate description, there is some truth to the phrase. With already prepared foods lined up buffet style in the dining hall, it’s easy to constantly be picking up more and more food. I personally gained five pounds, which doesn’t seem like a lot,  but it is on my petite frame. For 2019, I want to go to the gym at least three times a week. To be held accountable, I will go with my friends that are into fitness. We haven’t devised a punishment system yet, but it is pending if I ever miss a day. Also, I need to drink more water. I am not an avid fan of water because of its bland taste. However, it’s good for the body in order to keep you hydrated. It’s not much, but aiming to at least finish my full 24-ounce hydro flask once a day. This is a universal goal that anyone could add to their New Year’s Resolutions that’s super simple.

  2. Academics: Babson is notorious for grade deflation since most classes curve until the average grade is a B-. Even though I did study this semester and did decently well, I know that I personally didn’t try my best last semester. Granted, I was making excuses like this was my first semester of college and blamed it on a “transition phase.” My first time going to the library was during finals week, yikes! For 2019, I want to learn and I truly mean it. One of my favorite classes was accounting the last semester and I retained so much knowledge from that class even though I don’t consider myself to be a math person. I acknowledged that if I applied myself more, I could have easily gotten an A. Therefore, I want to apply myself since college is the last time I am able to be a student and learn. I will go to the library straight after classes for two hours minimum and shut off my phone completely. These two hours will be that time to expand my knowledge. One of my professors said if I focused on learning, the grade would come naturally and this is exactly my mentality walking into next semester. I am hoping for a 3.75+ next semester.

  3. Social Life: One of the best things about college is freedom. You get to live with your friends in a dorm. That’s great whenever you’re bored, you can simply walk down the hall to talk to your friends. I felt like for the most part, the majority of my close friends came from people living in close proximity from me. For 2019, I want to get out of comfort zone and meet new people. With a new set of classes, this randomizes my next group of classmates. New faces equal new possible friends. I will actively take the initiative to start a conversation with the person sitting next to me. I want to meet at least 5 new friends and retain those friendships (not just the I am friends with you because we share a class type of friendship), but something more meaningful.

In conclusion, 2018 was a wild ride and I am SO ready for 2019 to come. I will leave you with one of my  life mottos, “The bigger the L, The bigger the laugh.” Remember to live life positively and never to stress about something too much. Simply smile because life is what you make of it!

Hello, just a first year at Babson College.