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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

With finals coming up for most, if not all, students, it can become increasingly difficult to maintain one’s cool. Stress is inevitable, but here are some tips to ease the pain of exam week!

1. Sleep

It’s tempting to stay up late in order to study or finish up a final paper or project — trust me, we’ve all been there. While temptation to constantly study runs strong for students, rest is important, too. Losing sleep for the sake of a grade is not only unhealthy physically and mentally, but it is pointless. Lack of sleep will only confuse your mind and thus make it harder to retain any information. Sleeping properly during finals week will help reduce your stress levels, raise your energy levels, and improve your overall attitude, so sleep!

2. Embrace Alone Time

While study groups or study partners can often make learning easier, it is equally important to devote some time to yourself during finals week. Having at least twenty to thirty minutes of alone time a day can help clear and relax your mind. Constantly being surrounded by others, especially during a high-stress week, can be detrimental. Although being surrounded by others can be fun and distracting, with socializing comes the pressure to say or do the right things. Removing yourself from the company of others can give you a chance to not only rid yourself of this pressure, but it can also be an opportunity to get to know yourself better.

3. Treat Yourself 

It’s finals week, so you might as well give yourself a pat on the back as you hand the Chipotle or Starbucks cashier your debit card. You deserve your favorite meal or drink during a stressful week, so don’t be afraid to spoil yourself! If anything, use your special treat as incentive to finish your last paper or other school obligation. You’ve made it this far into the year, so why not?

4. Exercise 

While working out may be the last thing anyone wants to do during finals week, I promise that it will help ease your stress. Whether you choose to walk, run, or lift, your body and mind will thank you. Working out is a great way to work off any frustrations. It’s also a great distraction for the students who are swamped with studying during finals week.

5. Humor Yourself

Think about a joke, video, movie, or person who makes you laugh. During finals week, people spend their time biting their nails and furrowing their eyebrows. Take a break from the serious aspect of the week and do something that makes you laugh until you’re crying. While a laugh only lasts a couple of seconds, the good mood that it leaves you in can change your attitude and outlook on the day.

While there is no perfect combination of actions that one can choose to reduce stress during finals week, these tips can definitely make your finals week a little less bleak!

An English and Communications Major who is passionate about creating and reading literature.
Augustana Contributor