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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

If you know anything about me, you know that I am an advocate for mental health. I know that may seem to be a cliché, but I strive to allow others to have the access and resources they need so that they can get the help they deserve. 

And now, I need that more than ever. 

Recently, I have been dealing with a lot of mental health struggles, and nothing has seemed to help. In my conversations with my therapist, as well as my psychiatrist, friends, and family, nothing has helped me to see the light in my dark days. 

There, however, has been one thing that has helped me recently, and that is music. 

Usually, when I am going through a depressive episode, my writing helps me to navigate my feelings, so that I have a better understanding of what is going on in my head at the time. 

But even that has not been working recently. 

I tried everything, from journaling to reading, to listening to my favorite happy songs, to talking out my feelings, to just ignoring the issues (which, I might add, you should never do). 

The one thing that has been helpful, has been music. 

No, not the happy songs that I have as a playlist to help make my good days even better, the sad music, that helps me verbalize just what it is that I am feeling. 

One artist that has been really helpful in that sense, is Machine Gun Kelly, or MGK for short. 

MGK is one of those artists that acknowledges that he suffers from mental health issues and writes about it a lot in his music. One such song is called “27”. I don’t want to give too many details, but if it is something that interests you, I recommend listening to it, along with the rest of the Bloom album. He takes a new approach to writing about real-world topics like mental health, and I think the reason that he has helped me so much during a really depressive episode, is because he showed me that even celebrities, who seem so much like gods, are just human, and they all go through things too. 

So, if you’re like me, and are looking for something new to help you through a rough time, I recommend finding some new music to listen to. 

Hi! I’m Christina. I am a senior at Augie :). I joined hercampus here because I want to help promote such a fantastic organization, as well as talk about/photograph important events that should be talked about in the news. I want to bring attention to topics, as well as have the conversations that need to happen. Plus, I love women supporting women!
Olivia Tonietto

Augustana '21

Co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Augustana College, studying Communication Sciences and Disorders. Olivia writes for Her Campus with the hope to add to this amazing culture in a unique way by spreading positivity and a different perspective on this beautiful world we live in!