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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

Go outside

Seriously. Step outside and observe the natural world. Stop and smell the roses, cloud gaze, stomp in puddles, or simply go for a walk. If you get in touch with the Earth it will literally ground you. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in ourselves that we forget life’s greatest and most beautiful natural creations are right at our fingertips. There is also a plethora of scholarship that suggests spending time outside is beneficial for a person’s mental and physical health.


Find some funky tunes

Update your Spotify playlist right this second. Or your Apple Music playlists. Regardless of your brand alliance, just do it. Finding new music upon entering the rabbit hole is one of the most rewarding experiences on this plane of existence as we know it. The best part about embarking on a musical adventure is discovering new favorite artists and songs; sometimes all it takes to make a bad day better is finding a new song to sing your heart out to.


Sweat it out

Get your blood flowing. Workout. Do some yoga. Physical activity can often be what makes or breaks your day. Although it may be difficult to get it the mood to workout, always remember that starting is the hardest part. Once you actually begin, your body will thank you.  It will get easier. Keep going. The benefits of being active on a consistent basis are endless.


Let yourself be bored

You don’t have to constantly be doing something. You are allowed to stop working all the time. Let go of the idea that being hyper-productive will fulfill you. It won’t. Breaks are necessary; recharging and taking some time to unwind will help you long-term.



Let it go

This is easier said than done. Live in the present. Be here right now. You can’t undo the past, and you can’t possibly see into the future. Feeling regretful about decisions you’ve already made, or losing yourself in the what ifs you have no idea about, takes away from your ability to accept each moment for what it is: fleeting. Enjoy your life as it occurs and focus on what you can control; the present moment.


An English and Communications Major who is passionate about creating and reading literature.
Augustana Contributor